Greetings people,
I've completed a lengthy conversation with my father about the bible and JWs and said to him:
JWs place a lot of emphasis when studying and preaching with others on one main thing about what the bible is mainly about; that is the devil and those who practise his works and how to avoid him and them and for everlasting life on earth.
I asked my father, who is the biggest enemy of God and Jesus? He said the devil. That means the devil is also the enemy of all mankind. Yes he said. Fine.
But Jesus says to love your enemy and encourages us to pray for our enemies. What is going on here? am I missing something? All posters who were once JWs how did you respond to this situation when and if it was ever brought up during study with non JWs? How were you instructed to respond by your former elders from the congregation?
Love a response, cheers