km arrangement?

by carla 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Explain the km thing to me will you? why do they withhold it from some? I would think it would help those 'weak' ones get their butts out there more, no? What do they say when they refuse someone one? What about family members? If one family member got one and the other didn't do they hide it from the other or not let them read it? This is just the silliest damn thing to me this morning. If you were refused a km did you feel that is what you deserved for not being 'worthy' enough?

    (why didn't the whole km arrangement in itself scream cult to you?)

  • nonamegiven

    Well, I'm DF'd and they didn't have the balls to even tell me i wouldn't get one. My wife got one and I didn't. The KM is only for publishers, of wich I'm not one of course. Here's what'd even dumberer. They won't give you one but your wife can photo copy it for you. I told her I don't want one. If they won't give me one then I'm not worthy of the upbuilding information and encouraging articles held therin.

    It's just another method of control. One more thin they can take away from you. Screw them!

  • avidbiblereader

    Explain the km thing to me will you? why do they withhold it from some? I would think it would help those 'weak' ones get their butts out there more, no?

    It is about earning your place first in the KH and then for life and to get you involved as much as possible, it is to get you into witness mentality, I can only imagine the apostles acting this way in the first century, all that is right they didn't have 5 meetings a week and all this unneccessary literture, God's Word was suffiecient for them. Rev 2:25 was the councel to the congregations in the first century note what it says Just the same, hold fast what YOU have until I come. That was God's Word and nothing else, no mags and books just God's Word.

    What do they say when they refuse someone one? What about family members? If one family member got one and the other didn't do they hide it from the other or not let them read it? This is just the silliest damn thing to me this morning. If you were refused a km did you feel that is what you deserved for not being 'worthy' enough?

    It is designed to make you feel bad to do more, isn't that so loving and Christian, sorry but just saying like it is. I remember being an elder and discussing which ones would not get a KM, it was to humiliate those into more action, earn it.

    matt 7:1,2 Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; 2 for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU.

    Life is a free gift and to make others feel like they have to earn certain things and especially things that are not written about in the scriptures is so wrong, it would be more benefical to show love and let it at that.

    why didn't the whole km arrangement in itself scream cult to you?)

    John 8:32 and YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.”


  • blondie

    The KM is basically a newsletter to JWs who are publishers (this includes unbaptized publishers). So the theory is, if you are inactive, just attending meetings and not baptized or have not been approved to go door to door by the service committee of the body of elders, you will not get a copy. The WTS ships them to the PO based on the number of publishers reported the previous month. He or someone he designates writes in the names of the publishers (usually in pencil) individually, divides them up by book study groups, and they are handed out to the book study conductors. There are internal exceptions to everything. If there are extras, some elders give them to some individuals who are inactive but attending meetings. (Remember there are exceptions). But this is the basic policy.


  • Balsam

    Many years ago in the 80's my then husband was disfellowshipped. I got the km but he of course was not given one, but no one ever told me I was not allowed to let him see it. It is sort of a privilege thing I think. Also for those who are not allowed to participate they say they don't need one to prepare ahead. My then husband used to read mine, and that went on until he was allowed to comment at meetings again after his reinstatement.

    It is almost like the inter-circle mentality, we're special we got a km but your just a piece of garbage and you don't get one. LOL

  • Jourles

    yeah, I remember when they started this. I was still in. My wife would try to share hers with me, but I would refuse to look at it and tried to make it noticeable to everyone around me.

    The WTS may think this will get people to become regular(peer presure), but it only served to isolate me even further.

  • luna2

    We always used to get three KMs. When my sons got reproved, they no longer got one. Along with being labeled "bad associates", the no KM thing just shoved them further away. In hindsight, that's a good thing. It was sure confusing to me back when I was trying so hard to get them interested, though. The JWs go all ga-ga over strangers they meet door to door, but they cruelly reject people who are already half in.

    When I started missing meetings and not turning in time, even though I was still nominally a "publisher", somehow they never had a KM for me any more. It just made it easier to drop the Thursday night meetings.

  • Finally-Free

    I remember when I first started going to cult meetings in 1983. I was encouraged to prepare for meetings, but how could I do that when I didn't get the kingdom ministries??? I felt so deprived. I complained, and I was told I had to be a "publisher" to get one. That didn't make any sense to me. I thought the Watchtower Society was the "publisher" of the literature and the JWs sold the magazines. I made it my resolve to become a mature "publisher" just like Brother Dipshit and start going out in "service" the following month. I did so, and I started getting my precious kingdom ministries, which even included a "topic for conversation"! Now, for the first time in my life, I knew what to talk to people about! No more awkward silences in bus shelters! I could preach to people! And I owed it all to the kingdom ministry!

    I was pathetic.


  • avidbiblereader
    The JWs go all ga-ga over strangers they meet door to door, but they cruelly reject people who are already half in

    Well said, sad but true, seen it many times in my own area and it seems to be the norm everywhere. Certainly not treating people like Christ said as little children or with love.


  • VanillaMocha73

    As I recall - I never got one when I was df'd. I have known bookstudy conductors that will not give it out to baptized publishers whom they consider to be apostate or borderline. They won't give it to the kids until they are approved pubs. It isn't like it has any big secrets. Who knows?
    Here is the offical word from the Borg:
    *** km 2/87 p. 8 Question Box ***

    Who should receive a copy of Our Kingdom Ministry?

    Our Kingdom Ministry is designed to provide help and encouragement for those who share in the field ministry. Therefore, it is not for general distribution. All baptized publishers and approved associates should receive a copy. Those who regularly attend the Service Meeting and who are making progress toward sharing in the field ministry should also receive a copy. Be sure to reserve a copy for the Kingdom Hall library. Disfellowshipped persons should not be given a copy of Our Kingdom Ministry.

    Some congregations have found it advantageous to make a list of all persons who qualify and then divide the list up according to Congregation Book Study groups. This list can be used by the study conductors to facilitate distribution, perhaps even typing or neatly writing each person’s name on his copy. Each one who receives a copy of Our Kingdom Ministry should take care of it and use it in preparing for the Service Meeting and for field service. Many have found it helpful to keep a file of Our Kingdom Ministry in their personal theocratic library for future reference.

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