I know what you're thinking. How can you possibly have fun at the book study? Well, it's easy to have fun with the Revelation book, it's so full of forced interpretations and massive holes, you can just rip it apart (Subtly, of course) It's also much easier to question things in a smaller group.
Ah yes, just 2 weeks ago I had a great laugh when my Dad (The 'conductor') asked how many anointed they were and I got to point out that it had gone up by over 200, practically everyone in the room literally gasped. (And conductor is a rubbish title, or is it overseer now? It's hard to keep up)
I had 2 laughs tonight. My Dad was working tonight, meaning we had the stand-in MS taking the group, making it far too easy for me. One paragraph was about 1914. The paragraph mentions 607, how they use the 1260 days in Revelation to get 2520 days in Daniel, and then the 'day for a year' rule. I'm sure you all know it well. After the uber-hot sister (and big distraction) answered on how they get to 1914, I raised my hand.
Me: 'I was just wondering, why do they say it's a day for a year for the 2520 days but not the 1260 days?'
MS conductor/overseer: 'It is a day for a year, it ties in to the 70 weeks of years about Jesus'
Me: 'I don't think so, I'm pretty sure it's a literal 3 1/2 years with the anointed spending time in sackcloth'
MS conductor/overseer: 'Oh, well, I'm sure it will all be revealed in time'
Nice escape there. The next came when the Conductor/Overseer was talking about how everything had gotten worse since 1914, and said 'Earthquakes have increased 300% since 1914' (What the hell!?) So, I raised my hand:
Me: 'Actually, official statistics say there has been no increase in Earthquakes in the 20th Century, and the Society agree with these, I read it on the library'
MS Conductor/Overseer: 'No, Earthquakes have definitely increased'
Me: 'They haven't, look it up.'
Ms Conductor/Overseer: 'Ok, I think we should move on to the next paragraph anyway'
You could literally feel the tension in the room.
Who ever said meetings were boring? ;) I love that I knew more about the Society's teachings than everyone else in the room, and I go to less meetings than all of them. Hey, if you have to go to a few meetings, may as well try and have a bit of fun. I started reading 'Fascism or Freedom' last Sunday. A book written by Rutherford, it's hilarious, I got it from the KH library, and it's only little, so you can keep it well hidden. And the Revelation book is so full of rubbish, anyone could find some difficult questions for them. Well, maybe not anyone, since girls aren't allowed to correct the Conductor/Overseer... Shame for you :(
Oh, and I didn't get called on to answer again. :)
Fun at the book study
by Zico 20 Replies latest jw friends
Me: 'Actually, official statistics say there has been no increase in Earthquakes in the 20th Century, and the Society agree with these, I read it on the library'
MS Conductor/Overseer: 'No, Earthquakes have definitely increased'Yes show them the Awake it comes from March 22nd 2003
I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face if I had to answer. How did you do it?
keep on joyfully planting seeds, Zico - some will bear fruit. Endurance is needed
Too much fun!!
That is great Zico- I can imagine the tension... darn those pesky facts...
;) -
You're a crack-up, Zico. Takes some guts to do that!
You sure know how to have fun!
PS. Your avatar is having a blast too!
Have you got to the part in the Rev. book where the UN is totally demonised and described as the wild beast yet? Sorry for not knowing what is where in the 'Revelation' book, i guess after studying it 3 times i should be more familiar with it.LOL. I'ld love to hear that you asked 'why the WTS was an NGO member for all those years.' Keep up the fun, there's not much else that goes on at the bookstudy. Cheers, Bliss
>>Me: 'Actually, official statistics say there has been no increase in Earthquakes in the 20th Century, and the Society agree with these, I read it on the library'
MS Conductor/Overseer: 'No, Earthquakes have definitely increased'
Me: 'They haven't, look it up.'LOL! I wonder if he ever did look it up? (Or more importantly, did anyone else?) You have some serious balls, man. Good play!