Name 3 reasons for your exit or near exit from the WTS.....................

by RULES & REGULATIONS 38 Replies latest social current

  • greendawn

    A very dictatorial organisation with no freedom of speech no free debate mentality and culture. Too strongly influenced by the Jews it has in effect marginalised Christ and fallen back on the Old Testament era which centres on works. It has destroyed many families with the shunning institution. I lacks real brotherly love and affection because it is not a religion at all but a business.

  • aquagirl

    i craved sex,drugs and rock and roll...{hey,i was in my teens!!!give me a break!!}

  • Finally-Free

    There are too many reasons, child abuse, UN scandal, hypocrisy, flickering light, authoritarianism, lack of love, dishonesty, to name only a few. How do you narrow it down to only 3 reasons? I'll try...

    1. Looked like shit.
    2. Smelled like shit.
    3. Tasted like shit.

    Stepped in it anyway. Stooopid me! It was time to clean the shit off my shoes and move on.


  • Crumpet

    Ah aqua girl beat me to it - but they were the main 3 - very similar to Little Toes though - not!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Of course, there are SO MANY things I've discovered since getting online, but the 3 main reasons at the time I made my departure from the WTS are:

    1. Their lack of love

    2. Their judgmentality

    3. Their haughtiness in light of #1 and #2 and all their erroneous teachings and hypocrisies.


  • Sassy

    1. No divorce w/o a scriptural divorce

    2. Sex control (frowning on oral sex, etc)

    3. Big Brother over your shoulder

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    1. Their lack of love and how completely disfunctional the whole system was.

    2. I refused to subject my children to the authority of uneducated window washers/Elders.

    3. Their attitude and treatment of children.

  • puck

    i have a big #1 -- i'm gay.

    #2... have to go with the above...

    #3... lather, rinse... *repeat*

  • GermanXJW

    1) hypocrites, who feel superior but are full of mistakes which are only corrected when it is too obvious

    2) too much effort for being part of an organization that is nothing but shallow just for relatives/"friends" sake

    3) my kids should have a life and not suffer for the sake of rules made by some weird men in the US

  • free2think

    Lack of love

    Constant pressure to do more

    All the lies.

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