Anyone here heard of Jw scholar Rolf Furuli of Oslo University? Found him in www.jehovah' Interesting site on 607 BCE. Think it is from society.
Jw scholar Rolf Furuli of Oslo University
by Jeepthing 8 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Greetings Jeepthing,
While I do not recall the title of his book, I have had it in hand. A friend participated in its preparation. It is at odds with Carl Olof Jonsson's THE GENTILE TIMES RECONSIDERED - CHRONOLOGY AND CHRIST'S RETURN.
He used to post on here under the name scholar if I recall.
Trouble was that he was soon shown up for being anything but a scholar.
Nope, Furuli is a real scholar in Semitic languages (not history) and our "scholar" has admitted his ignorance of Biblical Hebrew (and didn't care to learn). Plus, the former is in Norway and the latter in Australia...
He has written two books available in English:
Plus other stuff in Norwegian and articles.
He is also an elder and HLC member:
There is no possessive apostrophe in the URL
Only one article was located:
Title: The Problem of Induction and the Hebrew Verb Author(s): Furuli, Rolf Source: Built on Solid Rock: Studies in Honor of Professor Ebbe Egede Knudsen p 82-90. Oslo: Novus, 1997. OTA0000001144 Publication Year: 1997 Language: English Subjects: Archaeology, Epigraphy, Philology Abstract: F.'s essay discusses the verbal system of Biblical Hebrew from the vantage point of the philosophy of science. According to F., the problem of induction (i.e., that we cannot be sure that an interpretation of a set of data is the right one because there are other possible interpretations) was ignored when the four-component verbal model (Imperfect, Imperfect consecutive, Perfect and Perfect consecutive) for Biblical Hebrew took shape. F. goes on to provide background on how the understanding of the Hebrew verbal system evolved, reviews the shift to an aspectual understanding of the system, describes attacks against the four-component model, and offers suggestions for future research. What is needed, says F., is a 'study which maps all the occurrences of verbs in the Hebrew Bible, DSS, Hebrew inscriptions and Ben Sirah, and comparing the four-component model and the assumptions behind it with these data' (p. 87). [Abstracted by: Ben A. Asen.] Abstract Number: OTA22-1999-FEB-125 Publication Type: Essay Issued by ATLA: 20050715 Accession Number: OTA0000007829 Database Old Testament Abstracts -
Furuli is not an authority on history or ancient cultures/civilizations.
But, all of this 607 BC stuff is moot if a JW cannot look me in the eye and tell me that the Bible Students were teaching the truth in 1914.
Ever studied the Divine Plan of the Ages? It is an amazing testament to the complete lunacy of the religion in its fledgling years. Since it never has been the truth (as evidenced by the fact there isn't any prior decade during which they were teaching what they teach now) and still isn't the truth (as evidenced by the fact that what they teach now is subject to change at any time), no one can honestly believe this little fly speck of a controlling religion knows world history better than historians.
Furuli muddies the waters by being a kind of scholar (although, not an historian) and writing a book that purports to demonstrate a workable history where Jerusalem could have been destroyed in 607 BC.
What he fails to do is account for the reams of contemporary data (data from the period of Babylonian ascendancy) that conflict with his timeline. One contemporary piece of data is enough to shatter his entire argument. He has chosen to ignore literally thousands of pieces of contemporary data that disagree with his ordering of events.
This penchant of ignoring contradictory data is a tendency for which Furuli's religion has shown a passion. Ever since 1879 they have been ignoring some data and exaggerating other to build a case for the dogma of the moment.
For instance, the Last Days started in 1799.
Until 1931 when, suddenly, the Last Days started in 1914.
Armageddon was due in 1878.
Until it became due in 1914 or 1915.
Until it became due in 1925.
Until the Great Tribulation that started in 1878 didn't actually start until 1914, to terminate at Armageddon some few short months from now.
Until it is a heart warming thing to see people sell their homes so they can spend the few remaining months of this old system in full time service in 1974, because Armageddon is coming when Mankind reaches its 6,000th birthday, because we all know how God likes to celebrate birthdays with lots of fireworks and bloodshed (see the two people who died when it was someone else's birthday).
Until Armageddon is coming soon because we are so deep into the Last Days which began in
18781914.Until we shouldn't be serving for a date, anyway. What were all you slackers thinking trying to figure out when the end would come!
The religion is cracked on so many levels it could be used to strain the water from spaghetti. Furuli is a product of his religion. He is also cracked.
AuldSoul -
Thanks guys for infor. We(my hubby and me) just heard about him last night and wanted to search more on his view. Not that I think he is right but wondering if it is worth doing research for future reference incase someone present his views to us. Think it is interesting how he discredited the secular information as coming from pagan when he is using secular calendars and infor to present his points. Wondering if he is still going to publish the second volume. Anyway, thanks for infor and nice to know I could rely on someone here.