ditto What others said on the matter in different ways and Xena's post I've just read before to post this (about don't let that change you, we are all different and we need different types of people, also giving is giving not asking/especting anything in return)
Unless someone is handicaped and need a real support (day after day), or is extremely sensitive at a specific moment to the point I feel that this is the moment to listen and to hug her/him ... I think that there is a time to just say you're big enough "take over" because I won't always be there (that's what I did for my unic son since the bigining) and guess how much I love him?) It's like saying I can feed you for a while but you will still need to know how to make or get food for yourself)
My sister came up with that comment "nobody's there when you really need them" (I know she feels morally sad). But who Am I? ... Did she even realised that I was there? ... (I fixed her eyes like to say ... can't you see?) still she just didn't realised how unfair her statement was to me. Since she didn't realised I left my comment for another day when she'll feel better (but It was interesting to acknowlegde this kind of missperception again, lots of people just do not see how much support they get and just think that they need more - which is understandable but not always possibleor even what will really help them to take over).
A friend is not an unconditional support, a friend is someone who tells you the right thing at the right moment, and a friend is still a human being with his/her own troubles, faillures and needsat that very same moment. There is only one person you can really count on "YOU".
More you cry, less most people want to hear about it (if not for you to be the subject of conversations to say I know someone bla bla bla to make them feel better about themselves ... or because they also feel alone and that's the way they compensate be with people who feel the same - like : he/she too have been there - they steam out with you - it's like a common support actually it's not a one way support - just like the JWD Board).
When I'm in depression I don't call anybody, (I'm happy when someone calls, but I might skip the subject) I take my time to take over (I've really understood that I really need to support myself at first).
Take care sweety ...