My Journey

by truthsetsonefree 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • truthsetsonefree

    My Journey

    2/16/07 9:30am

    As I stand on the #7 train going home after dropping my daughter off at school, I started thinking about this crowded train; and all of the people on it. Most are going to their jobs in Manhattan. And how each one serves a purpose, each one today will do something at his or her job that will help make our world not only a better place, but also help advance humankind towards greater achievements. Oh yes their part may, in fact probably will be miniscule. But it will be a part. Strangely enough even the criminal will play his or her part. For in counteracting his crime humanity will learn a little more on the causes of such behavior; and eventually how to change it. And so compressed like a sardine on the #7, I felt a great exhilaration. I felt privileged to be a part of this great community called humanity. Funny, I rarely felt that way as a dub.

    The farther back in my rear view mirror that I see the WT, the less I seem to care about whether they find out about me, my identity etc. As a buddy of mine says: "The power they have over you is only the power that you give them." Well you know that is so true in my case. What can they do to me? Now that I have abandoned the ideology, now that my family, congregation and even the elder body know how I feel (thanks to my fleshly brother who I felt it my duty to tell to do the HW)? If anything the power balance has shifted, I have the power over them. Imagine one little guy has more power over a multi-million publishing company than it has over him! I can sway their devotees. I can talk to the media. I can help destroy their reputation. I can take donations out of their pockets by helping to expose their treachery. I can deprive them of me and my daughter contributing anything to their worldwide work. And they are powerless to do anything meaningful about it. I have broken none of "Caesar’s" laws? They are even afraid to DF me without my plain statement of rebellion. Can they take my minor daughter who is under MY legal care, my money, job, time or anything else? Not anymore. So Watchtower I am out in the open. Come and get me if you can. Of course to do so you will have to work. You will have to dig. Dig through my writings, here and in my Internet blog. I will only say this: I live in New York City, the Big Apple, right near your world headquarters; Queens in fact. I have always lived here, hopefully I always will. Check my profile and posts for more. It should be fun to have one of your "faithful elders" read through my stuff. Maybe he can check some of the other material here as well. So who will you send? And how will that guy react when he realizes that I and the rest of the people that you call "apostates" are not the monsters that you make them out to be?

    PS: All of you New Yorkers, need more of us need to speak out. We reside in the belly of the beast. Let’s give him a BAD case of indigestion, one that he'll NEVER get over. Remember the quote from

    Edmund Burke : All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.


  • candidlynuts
    Imagine one little guy has more power over a multi-million publishing company than it has over him! I can sway their devotees. I can talk to the media. I can help destroy their reputation. I can take donations out of their pockets by helping to expose their treachery. I can deprive them of me and my daughter contributing anything to their worldwide work. And they are powerless to do anything meaningful about it.

    great post!!

  • brunnhilde

    I am standing up and CHEERING for you, TSOF!!!! We're out and we're free!

  • Outaservice

    Our individual part in exposing the Watchtower for what it really is, might be 'miniscule' also, but we all add a little to the mountain of evidence that it is not a Godly Organization.

    Advertise, advertise, advertise that the turtle can beat the hare!


  • lavendar

    AMEN!! Really enjoyed your post! As a non-JW, I could never really understand the "hold" this organization has over people. After all, they're JUST human beings. But, never having lived as a Witness; I guess I'd never understand. I DO know that mind control is a very s ubliminal and powerful thing.

    Warm regards,


  • truthsetsonefree

    Freedom never tastes as good as when you don't have it, and then take it for yourself. Even if the controllers were mere spectres, or if we could have broken away sooner, like with the elephant and his chain we were controlled. Many still are. Here is to freedom.


  • dedpoet

    Great post tsof

    .Imagine one little guy has more power over a multi-million publishing company than it has over him! I can sway their devotees. I can talk to the media. I can help destroy their reputation. I can take donations out of their pockets by helping to expose their treachery. I can deprive them of me and my daughter contributing anything to their worldwide work. And they are powerless to do anything meaningful about it.

    That is so true. We can say anything we want to against them, and they can do nothing to silence us, and they know it. It's people like us that will bring them down eventually, as we continue to expose them for the charlatans they are. I don't know if I'll see them fall in my lifetime, but I hope so.

    Keep up the good work


  • confusa

    Got cha! I now know who you are!

  • truthsetsonefree

    Ah another New Yorker......


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    I think you just caused a belch and a hiccup "from inside the belly of the beast."Good for you; nice post.

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