In the near future there will be a Watchtower that only JW`s can read.What you don`t know is,only Jehovah`s Witness`s with secret "Decoder Rings" can read it.....As many of you know,all dead Jehovah`s Witness`s are being sent to the WBT$.Some will be stuffed and sent back to Kindom Halls.This will help bring up meeting attendance.The rest are being used in the new WBT$ breakfast cereal "Dub Puffs"..Jehovah`s Witness`s can get thier secret "Decoder Ring" by sending in 6 box tops from the new WBT$ breakfast cereal "Dub Puffs" and thier first born..Buy "Dub Puffs" by the box or by the case..Be the first to be able to read the Watchtower in your Kingdom Hall!!...OUTLAW
The New Watchtower Arrangement and Breakfast Cereal
by OUTLAW 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm glad I'm not the first born!
You know the cereal would keep longer than the average flash of "new light!"
You're right about the decoder rings, but they are only a start. To get through some of their convoluted interpretations ("meat" not "milk") one will need a set of Urim and Thummim, Aaron's budding rod, as well as a wifi line to a seraph. No joking folks, the "meat" might also require a gmail account to a cherub and the Prince of Persia, who was detained for 3 weeks.
LOL! "Dub Puffs"! Guaranteed to stay stupid in milk.
Will the cereal be "Miracle Wheaties"?
"Guaranteed to stay stupid in milk..???..Bwa-ha-ha-ha!....."Mircale Wheaties"..Good idea!..WBT$ could start a whole line of "Dead Dub" breakfast cereals..Jehovah`s Witness`s are anything the WBT$ says they are..
You have a great sense of humour outlaw. The JWs will no doubt buy the dub cereals because they are the only cereals having the special blessing of jehovah.
Outlaw, don't give them ideas!
I can almost see them going for the idea of stuffing dead jws and sending them to kh's if meeting attendance continues to fall.
And dub puffs - guaranteed to stay stupid in milk lol
It's people! DUB PUFFS IS PEOPLE!!!!!!!....sorry, just finished watching Soylent Green