I think the holy spirit is trying to tell me something here.
Baba - That is so funny as I also have been talking to a friend about narcissistic behavior.
Got to go to your link Rebel8. Thanks. "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER". Amen.
by rebel8 45 Replies latest social relationships
I think the holy spirit is trying to tell me something here.
Baba - That is so funny as I also have been talking to a friend about narcissistic behavior.
Got to go to your link Rebel8. Thanks. "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER". Amen.
my sister-in-law is so narcissistic. thank god that she did not ever have children. it is bad enough that my brother is screwed up from her. i hate to think that she could have done to kids.
Holy Crap! That is my mother! I'm going to copy this and send it to my brother and sister.
Whew!! That is majorly heavy duty! A few years ago I spent a lot of time reading up on NPD in MEN (truly, as was said, KNOWLEDGE is not only POWER but FREEING!). It was extremely detailed information by Sam Vaknin, just like THIS article is very detailed, but I have never read about NPD from the "Mother Narcissist" position, and I tell you, it sounds even UGLIER than male NPD's. What a nightmare, I can't even imagine growing up w/a mother like that ("momsters" -- that is priceless! Never heard that one before! Horrors!)
must be the center of attention,
wants what everyone else has,
pathological lying,
always acts like THEY did so much for YOU but you never do ANYTHING for THEM, nor could you EVER repay them for ALL they have done,
puts YOU in the spotlight really only so THEY can be in the spotlight,
"image managers,"
all they care about is what OTHER people think,
pitting people against each other and sitting back and enjoying the turmoil,
etc. etc. etc.
It all rings very familiar, but in my experience he was a male NPD. Like I said, it sounds even more brutal being a "MOTHER Narcissist." But I have to honestly say I cannot think of any females that I've ever known who would fit the profile.
They say NPDs quit growing emotionally at around 6 years old.
They also say a child possibly develops this personality disorder because they were treated the same by some primary caregiver, parent, etc. I don't know if that is the ONLY way NPD develops...??
Either way, it is a very torturous-sounding and sad sad sad way to have to grow up. God help any children that have to grow up under a parent like that.
Thanks for the very informative read, and blessings to all those who have, unfortunately, had first-hand experience.
I grew up with a mother like that. My childhood wasn't too bad mainly because my father was the complete opposite and more fun. But as the years passed I think my mother has gotten worst. A really bad episode was when my sister lost her daughter, my mother really showed her ass. It was so sad.
P.S. I haven't spoken to my mother in over 6 months now...it's a relief.
this is my mother in so many ways...
I've had a therapist tell me that she and my stepfather sound like the clinical description of sociopaths
I haven't had any contact with my mom and stepdad for a long time now. I'm a lot more emotionally healthy without them in my life.
Thanks rebel8 for posting this info. It describes my mother in law perfectly. I'm going to bookmark it so I can show my husband later. It will help him understand some of the things that went on in his childhood. He is still trying to come to terms with the way she treated him 40 odd years ago! An extreme example, for anyone who wants to find out more ,is, "My Story, A Child Called 'It', The Lost Boy, A Man Named Dave," by Dave Pelzer. It's well worth a read.
Wow! Thanks Rebel8! That is a perfect description of my mother and my husband's mother.
No wonder we both feel we have to protect eachother and keep eachother away from the dragons that gave birth to us!
There is only one answer to this problem. Completely cut the bitches from your life! Ultimate Revenge against these attention seeking idiots!
That describes my mother-in-law exactly!!! She is so hard to deal with and so hard to please.. Nothing we ever do is good enough. The only ones safe from her critisim are other dubs.