I asked myself the question "how can it be possible that I love people, myself included, more than God"?
Do you recall your "point of no return"?
by JH 49 Replies latest jw friends
choosing life
I had a real problem when they changed the generation teaching. I had read an encyclopedia when I first studied with the jws that mentioned the generation teaching and also that this teaching would be proved as real or false in the near future. I told myself then that I would know for sure if they were inspired if this was proven to be false. This was back in the 1970's. When I read the change in the magazine, I was totally taken back because it made no sense to me.
I still stayed on, though. didn't know what else to do. But then they started with the blood thing. How can you use everyone else's donated and processed blood and still maintain that you abstained from blood. After that it was a downhill slide. I started listening a lot closer and things just didn't make sense anymore. how could I teach things to other people that I no longer agreed with. My conscience just would not allow it and I started fading away.
For me it what the strobe light that got brighter then dimmer than flickered. It was a-holes meddling in my business trying to save me from myself, trying to keep my down and misserable.
In 1997 even though things that had happend to me I still hung on as a JW.
Then one day I was in local library and spotted a book called "Awake to the Watchtower" I picked it up thinking "one of those books telling lies" . But something in it caught my attention and I started reading. I sat there for next two hours and read the whole book. I then moved on to the computers they had in library and the internet. Found the Freeminds site download stuff. Then for next 2 years researched everything. Read both Ray Franz books.
Then sitting in Kingdom Hall August 1999, at Service meeting it hit me. "I no longer believed the Watchtower" it wasn't "I no longer believed in God" but "in the Watchtower". That was my last meeting.
Between August 1999 and when I DA'd in September 2001 I did not get one visit from the Elders, not even a phone call, considering two lived a 5 minute walk from my house. . They then called in Sept 2001,because they were having a campaign to get "inactive ones" back. I thought well if you only concerned about me making up numbers then forget it. That was the final proof they didn't care about people. Besides I'd become a Christian by then.
Many things added to the 'finally straw' but the last thing I remember was couple of elders trying to infuence my ex wife how to deal with me and then me kicking them out of my house and throwing magazines they left after them.
But in realitly it started right at the begining, I somehow knew a day would come when I will not be able to continue this. I was afraid of the thought until I finally realized it was just my internal voice trying to save me from hurt I was about to put myself through.
When I discovered up to 20 people in my congregation (Edgewood/Milton WA) that were going to the horse races sunday after the meeting and gambling. I was only 19 at the time and went to an elder (Cliff L.) that I trusted to ask him how I should handle this. Turns out he was also gambling and I quickly realized I just stepped into a very big pile of poopy.
I realized that quite a few people were doing alot to try to get me into trouble, enough to get DF'd thus silencing me. Within a month I moved out of my parent's house into another territory and faded.
That experience was just like a light switch being shut off. All of my friends and the loving fellowship went cold. The following six months was the worst time of my life.
The good part was that no elders came trying to get me back. If I chose to take this info to the CO or DO half of that congregation would have been DF'd considering all of the spouses and friends that probably knew about this gambling ring and did nothing.
My point of 'no return' was when I realised during the terminal illness of a relative, what a nasty, uncaring, stupid, ill mannered, selfish, horrible, lying bunch of heartless and loveless fools Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY are.
Doesn't matter how naturally kind a JW might be, the bOrg ALWAYS comes first and all natural affection and selflessness is forgotten. That day I looked at Jehovah's Witnesses and thought, what can I say, only bad things. I realised that in essense, they were all 'bad' and 'foolish' people and the last few months of going to the KH was very, very difficult.
One day, I looked at them all sitting there self righteously and smuggly at the KH and realised what an evil organization they were in, that lacked any love or empathy and I simply walked.....never to return!!
Pure lack of love. The elders admitted they failed and suggested I move to another Congregation. That told me all I needed to know about the Org.
I really can't remember my point of no return i think it had to do with various of events that had happened.
I had lead a double life for most of my high school years and got worse when i was able to drive.
Thinking back i could never understand why they would treat DF people the way they did and that i knew from personal experience that the JW were never there when you needed them it was family.
The way they had treated my dad and uncles over the years also annoyed me.
I had enough of all the gossip within the cong about me and another brother who happened to be a close friend to one of my brothers and we all would go out sometimes all innocent but in their eyes we was being chaperoned. And what made it worse he lived accross the road from us.
In the end i just moved to another area and faded.
I was reading another post by gordy and i realised that when i got DF was that time they were seeking out inactive ones lucky me i was doing wrong so hence the DF after 6 years go figure.
Mine was a few weeks after I started researching the wts, and realised it was a man-made organisation, not the truth at all. I knew I wasn't going back then.