Really Bad Day Today!

by winnie 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth453

    I am sorry that your kids are sick. That is always a bad way to start the day. As for the "letter", that should make you laugh. Wittless wankers resort to covertly placing letters in your mailbox? Losers.

    I hope the kids feel better soon.

  • mouthy

    ((((Winnie)))) Sorry to hear of all the yucky stuff happening today. Keep the kids tucked in bed & warm, know that you were good to your pet ,she/he is not in pain anymore. Have a nice hot cuppa & know "THIS TOO SHALL PASS"tomorrow is another day....Hope it is a better one.

  • mrsjones5

    I hope you and your family are feeling better today...even if it's just a tad


  • LovesDubs

    I hope your kids are feeling better sweetie and so sorry about your doggie. I just had to put my 12 year old kittie to sleep in December because she got into something poisonous.

    As for the asswipe who put that note in your mailbox? Hang a sign on your mailbox in bold colors and say:

    "To the insensitive and cowardly Jehovahs Witness who put the note in my mailbox like a thief under cover of darkness, your lack of kindness and love is duly noted. Your note was treated the same way you treat was thrown away."

  • becca1

    Awww. ((((((()))))))

  • brunnhilde

    I'm liking Frannie's idea - snicker. Seriously, I wish they would just respect our wishes and leave us ALONE! Really sorry about the kids and the pet - never rains but pours, huh ((((((winnie)))))

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