Where Was The Governing Body?

by stevieb1 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • stevieb1

    Where Was The Governing Body (per the WT understanding of Acts)

    1. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70CE?

    2. When John was penning Revelation from Patmos?

    3. In the Second Century AD?

    History and Scripture are silent on all three points. Where were matters of importance relative to doctrine and "the first century organization" sent during all three time periods? Can any JW demonstrate from history and the Bible that there was a Governing Body operating in Jerusalem (or elsewhere for that matter) on all three occasions)

  • Fredhall


    And I wander where was Ray Franz at that
    period of time?

  • hawkaw

    As Mad Apostate once said

    SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!

  • Stephanus

    I've had Dubs tell me that the council held in Jerusalem in Acts 15 was it. I asked them why, then, did the apostle Paul disobey their directives? If you look at Paul's version of the council in Galatians 2, he reports an entirely different set of directives from those reported in Acts (being mindful of the poor instead of abstaining from blood, for example). In other words, he felt free to discard their constraints as being advice, rather than as commandments.

  • Gozz

    ... and then Paul gave his own opinion and slammed the inspiration stamp on it. Smart guy he was, that Paul. He wasn't trained by a lawyer for nothing.

  • Gopher

    And there were times when Paul said "this is my opinion, I certainly think I have holy spirit". What other Bible writer admitted that it was only their opinion, about a certain matter?

    How many of Paul's writings regarding women, marriage, congregation organization were his opinions, and not what Christ had intended? Just wondering...

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • MacHislopp

    Hello stevieb1,

    thanks for the question.

    You should know that it has been answered , sometime ago

    and - shortly - the conclusion is :

    - no bliblical proof of the

    existence of a " governing body " in Jerusalem, nor

    at the time of John (the writer of Revelation),

    nor at the time of C.T. Russell.

    " Officially ", by this I do mean

    that one can quote a WTBS publication,

    it CAME into,existence in the year ....1944 !!!

    If you want details and quotes let me know.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • SixofNine
    How many of Paul's writings regarding women, marriage, congregation organization were his opinions, and not what Christ had intended? Just wondering...

    Oh, oh!!! I know this one! The answer is, "all of them".

  • Farkel

    The Governing Body has been in continuous and uninterrupted existence since the passing of Jesus Christ. They've fed and nurtured the flock and banded together through all sorts of trying circumstances so that they could dispense the "pure" words of Jehovah to His people.

    Their presence was and is still manifested for those who have "eyes of discernment."

    Their presence has always just been invisible, that's all.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • cyberguy

    This question is easily answered: Where does the expression "Governing Body" originate from? Is it in the Bible?

    JW's are trained to argue with those who believe in the "trinity" and "rapture," that since these expressions aren't in the Bible, they shouldn't be believed! Well, how about "Governing Body?"

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