Every cong has them, the petty dictators who make up arbitrary rules and insist that the rank and file follow them or pay the penalty. A couple mine had - sisters could not have skirts that were either too short (above the knee) or too long, below the mid-calf - either extreme was worldly. Also, in order to have privileges (cause there were so many wonderful and fulfilling things for women in the Borg) sisters MUST wear pantyhose. Oh yeah, there was NO excuse for being late. When I was pioneering and out of work, I showed up late for a field service meeting with my pioneer partner at the time because I'd been putting together resumes. Brother A$$hole had already arranged the groups and we were told if we couldn't show up on time, we could go by ourselves. I could go on and on, but I'm sure we all have LOTS of fun ones to share *snicker*
So what random rules did YOUR elders impose?
by brunnhilde 13 Replies latest jw friends
We didn't have much minor ones placed. But I'm sure secretly the elders instituted policies about what was acceptable and what wasn't.
Well, one thing that did change is when we kinda had an overhaul of the P.O. and some new elders came in. We quit having congregation get togethers almost all together and were encouraged to only associate at the meetings or in small get togethers with other families. We used to have a treat night at our bookstudy which was at this guys house who was probably one of the coolest witnesses I've ever met. The guy was a legend to me. He was a 3rd degree mason at one point in his life and ran a profitable transportation company. It was a great bookstudy and they 2 older women (1 he was married to the other was her sister) were the best cooks. They made the best deserts.
Anyway, that stopped too.
I guess there was never any real edicts from the men on top, it was more subtle, like percieved rules.
In the mid 1990's, quite a few of the younger brothers had their heads shaved, which didn't sit well with the boe. We had a local needs talk about dress and grooming at the service meeting over that one, and bros who didn't comply with the "must have hair at meetings " rule were counselled about it
We had one elder on a rampage about the sisters wearing panty hose. I told my
wife to send him to me if he had a problem with her.One congregation had a no braids rule. After an African with braids and a new
elder whose wife had braids showed up, the rule was cast aside.One school overseer started insisting that young men wear a suit, not a sportcoat.
I pulled him aside and we hashed out all the written stuff by the slave (you know,
God's representative's word) and he agreed to back down. Some of the young
brothers were growing boys- that could get expensive. They still pushed it on the
MS and elders. Other congs. usually only required it for a public talk. -
We had some very young elders, one fresh out of Bethel that made it their business to "drive by" any homes where the parents were out of town, but had left older teenagers alone. Naturally I was caught at one of these "busts."
They waited until late in the evening and watched as people came and went from a home.
When they recognized someone from the hall they would call the parents. Sure enough, one night my Dad barged through the front door of my best friends house demanding my presence.
They called the Host's parents long distance and made them come home.
I think I have posted this before, but I was so high, I laughed all the way home driving behind my dads car. Had to go to the KH the next day, (early meeting) and promptly fell asleep in the last row.
The conductor of course got wind of my antics and was watching me.......called on me while I was sound asleep to read a scripture.
Welcome to JW land for kids and teenagers.......
One elder insisted no book study should have goody night because certain ones were coming only for that. He lost.
Same elder tried to put a pioneer sister( pioneering for 30 years) on restrictions because she was often late for service mtg.
He was a true jerk.
Oh are local needs supposed to be about problems in the congo? I just assumed those parts were made up and filtered them out...
In fact, I can barely remember any worth remembering.
Rule 1: Brothers and sisters of an age less than 30 and not married could not work together.
To illustrate: 2 brothers (ages 21 and 20) and 2 sisters (ages 23 and 19) show up to the service group.
No one else shows up except for Brother Group Splitter, who tells them to go out in service as two groups of 2.
One of the Brothers, one of the sisters.
Rule 2: No friendships between minors and 18+, elders were the exceptions.
it was this imaginary line that was not to be crossed.
To even invite a young person over to a gathering, or associate with them was to cast yourself as a pedo.
Rule 3: Video games were evil.
To own a Nintendo, PS, or Xbox was taboo.
Until one of the elders' sons got a nintendo - then it was ok.
although I put this last, it was "more important" to many of the elders.
It was especially hard to know what their opinion was in matters not covered by the WBTS.
It was hard to know what their opinion was in matters covered by the WBTS.
I don't know what the rules are yet in my new cong... -
no reading at group or carrying a microphone unless wearing a suit jacket/coat
Just a few, actual ones that I can remember:
1) No 'fade' haircuts for brothers; no beards or goatees, no matter if they were neatly trimmed. if you had them, you absolutely would not be used
2) No neck chains for brothers; if you wore one, that meant you were imitating the "gay" lifestyle
3) No sports cars allowed, especially parked or visible at the hall
4) sisters' earrings could not be bigger than a dime
5) Don't dare eat turkey on thanksgiving
6) What, attend college?--don't even think about it(this is the one that frosts me to this day...) If you broke this rule, you were black- balled
7) What I used to hear called the "20 minute rule"--If you're weren't at the meetings 20 mins. before they start and didn't stay 20 mins. after they concluded, you weren't following the counsel at heb. 10:24, 25
8) No blouses or dresses for sisters that show shoulders/skin
9) No slits in sisters' skirts allowed
10) R-rated movies not allowed(some hardliner elders that I knew even tried to widen that to include PG-13)
11) No windchimes on your porch or front entrance to your home(supposedly some connection to spiritism)
12) No two-piece swim suits to be worn by sisters--anywhere