liars and fools

by + 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • +

    Tijkmo asked me to listen to his song “liars and fools”

    He says:
    “only i am looking for a piece of film exactly like this to be made for music that i wrote (not disimilar to pink floyd/genesis/etc)..and merrymagdelene provided lyrics is called liars and fools and it is about the expectation and disappointment generated by all end of world preachers when their predictions dont materialise.(so not just jws then)...”

    The request

    His Hompage:

    His Song: liars and fools

    And here my answers:

    Version 1: liars and fools by Ian Gill + motherremix

    Watchtower 1975 11/15 p.695 The Organisation ours mother.
    He say’s her children to be the communication channel and the people God.
    The others are found threat.

    liars and fools by Ian Gill + motherremix


    Version 2: liars and fools by Ian Gill + openremix

    The Watchtower Society say:
    Hate your life (Convention 1974 „Divine Purpose“)
    My answer:
    Open your Eyes.

    liars and fools by Ian Gill + openremix

  • Crumpet

    Really goood! Brilliant sound track Ian and the video is like watching a movie of a past only we here really understand - it was a world shut off from the rest of the world, a fake dream, and now we look and see the familiar faces grinning and know we were there once and wonder how and why...

    (for anyone a little put off by the long clips of movies at the beginning if you dont have much time fast forward to about 3 and a half minutes in which is when you'll the gorgeous sound of Mr Dulcet Tones singing and clips of conventions.)

    Well done both of you - poignant!

    I'd like to see a new one at some point since + seems to be able to take on board requests - like more of a punchy anthem not soulful and regretful but defiant and positive maybe with pics from our aposatfests and our lives now and how we are getting on past the JWs...Maybe intermingled with images of what was supposed to happen to us from the society publications like of us turning into drug addicts and prostitutes and homeless and with no family or friends etc. Contrasting the perceived - the lies they feed you to stop you leaving with the reality of what is - yes we are sad sometimes but we are living full lives the best we can ....

  • Crumpet

    btt - go on have a watch and a listen with a glass of wine - you'll enjoy it!

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    ...watching/listening...(sans wine)...


  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    p.s.-- I like some of your ideas there, Crumpet

  • +

    Hello Merry Magdalene!

    I kiss your hand.

    The Lyric of the song came from you?
    I have to thank you a couple of wonderful hours.


    Most devoted

  • Crumpet
    p.s.-- I like some of your ideas there, Crumpet

    Thank you! Are the lyrics yours? Wow - really good! Its nice to see you back on the board too - hope you and your little un are both well and this year is proving a happier one!

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Thank you, +, I think your work is amazing and I have been enjoying viewing what you have posted links for here at JWD. And it shouldn't go without saying, I think tij is amazing. So much talent. I am in awe.

    It's great to see you too, Crumpet!!! {{{hugs}}} It's been a lovely year so far. Hope all is well with you!


  • Crumpet

    Its been a bit tumultuous Merry but settling down and guess what I've managed not to break anything so far! I've never forgotten that lovely card you organised for me when I broke my leg and ankle!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Excellent work by all three of you!

    I agree with Crumpet, something positive from an apostafest would be good as well.

    Thankyou +. Merry and Tjkmo

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