Myers Briggs Personality Indicator

by Outaservice 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    I had the test conducted on me last year, at work. If I recall correctly they came up with: ENFP, though N/S and F/J were pretty close.

    A few years ago I posted a similar thread, but my results were reasinably different:

    Another interesting one, if you're into such things, is the Kinsey scale:

  • Tuesday

    Wow, cool test pretty accurate too. This is what I got:


    loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, wrestles with the meaninglessness of existence, likes esoteric things, disorganized, messy, likes science fiction, can be lonely, observer, private, can't describe feelings easily, detached, likes solitude, not revealing, unemotional, rule breaker, avoidant, familiar with the darkside, skeptical, acts without consulting others, does not think they are weird but others do, socially uncomfortable, abrupt, fantasy prone, does not like happy people, appreciates strangeness, frequently loses things, acts without planning, guarded, not punctual, more likely to support marijuana legalization, not prone to compromise, hard to persuade, relies on mind more than on others, calm

    favored careers:

    philosopher, game designer, scientist, software engineer, freelance artist, research scientist, assassin, freelance writer, physicist, software developer, mathmetician, geologist, computer scientist, philosophy professor, webmaster, slacker, medical researcher, painter, mortician, systems analyst, comic book artist, computer technician, website designer, scholar, archeologist, computer repair, forensic anthropologist, astronaut, researcher, historian, systems engineer, genetics researcher, astronomer, enviromental scientist, egyptologist

    disfavored careers:

    human resources, public relations, social worker, guidance counselor, health care worker, trainer, school teacher, wedding planner, movie star, hospitality worker, supervisor, child care worker, fundraiser, customer service, stay at home parent, office administrator
  • SacrificialLoon

    And I make for INTJ number 3. What's this about being 1% of the population? Seem pretty common so far. ;p

  • Outaservice

    SacrificialLoon. Some of the other personalities like the 'P's" as I understand it, would not answer this type of thread because they could care less if it is important or not.


  • SacrificialLoon

    Haha, good point Outaservice.

  • proplog2

    The problem with self-report tests is that although they indicate how certain traits cluster in large groups there is no way to be
    sure that the individual person in front of you is a certain type based on his own answers to a battery of questions. That is why a
    science of personality will only be standing on solid ground when there is some objective/physical measurement that establishes
    personality. In addition you will need a strong theory that establishes a connection between the physical measurements and the
    indications of a questionnaire.

  • proplog2

    Personality researchers have done little more than produce parlor games with their paper and pencil tests.

    None of them know what they are measuring. Imagine if astronomy was still preoccupied with configuring and naming constellations.

    Can you imagine astronomers arguing "No! Orion isn't really a hunter it's constellation "H". If you don't believe me just look

    at it. It looks like a big "H". The Big Dipper is really a Big Kite. Draco isn't really a Dragon it's part of several other


    I think the problem with personality researchers is that they don't try to find physiological and biological causes for behavior. A

    good personality theory should be able to measure something "physical" and then tell me who I am. So, how do they start out

    telling me who I am? They ask me, via a paper & pencil test, who I think I am. In effect they are telling me I am what I think I

    am. This is not science. This is Pop-Eye Cult.

  • proplog2

    I believe that personality/temperament is inherited. This actually goes along with the Biblical (Aristotlean) view that the living body IS you. For those who have been discussing resurrection the relationship between one's actual body and their personality is significant.

    I recently uncovered this quote in my archives.

    The Human Organism As A Person S. Howard Bartley Chilton Book Co.
    Philadelphia 1967

    At that time Bartley was Professor of Psychology, Director Laboratory for the
    study of Vision & Related Sensory Processes at Mich. State University.

    page 25 paragraph 3

    "The description we need is one that is dictated, first, by the physicist's
    description of the natural universe; and second, by the conventions of natural
    science, and thus the true biologist's description of organisms as a part of
    nature. When we start from any other origin to describe man as a person, we
    end with something that is not acceptable for the purpose at hand, although not
    necessarily "unreal" or "erroneous." No description of personality has as yet
    met the criteria just stated, and so cannot be used as it stands. They typical
    procedure of the usual theory builder is either to couch his language simply in
    terms of human experiences, or in unique abstractions having nothing to do with
    facts and ideas of natural science. In neither case is this what is needed
    Lists of traits seem to be endless. Some order has been made through
    statistical analysis but there is still a need to be able to point to something
    "big" in connection with organisms that can be measured that produces the super
    traits that have emerged in this research.

    Hope this isn't a thread killer

  • LittleToe
    I believe that personality/temperament is inherited.

    I believe its a combination of nature, nurture and the wider environment (including pollutants).

    Hope this isn't a thread killer

    Couldn't leave ya with that on your conscience, bro. Unless of course your Daddy is a thread-killer too


    ESTJ....basically the same as my sign, Aries!


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