I came across this web site awhile back and I thought it had some thought provoking information. It is obviously written by a group of atheists
who wanted to bring to light what all Christian faiths base their religious beliefs on and probablly why some devout Christians eventually turn to atheism.
If you read their analysis of what the bible says with an open mind it can be very thought provoking material.
After reading most of the sub topics they have listed, I found most of the reading to be both mind expanding and humorous for a lot of it, your mileage may vary
One word of caution to people that have an already established Christian belief, you may not want to view this material or maybe you would, but I thought I should bring note to that !
After reading some of the material perhaps you can leave some of your impressions and thoughts and perhaps start an open discussion on its content. http://www.evilbible.com