JW Terminology

by KW13 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    Ok guys, list the ones ya know.

    The Truth/Truth = The Truth according to JW's is their religion. For example someone baptized as a JW is baptized in the truth, whereas someone baptized elsewhere is not.

    New Light/Light = A better understanding of the current Status Quo or 'Light' in general which is just knowledge, New Light allows for a complete change in beliefs without exception.

    God's Word = Mainly the Bible but anything else published by the WBT Tract Society is also acceptable.

    True Christians = Refers only to Jehovah's Witnesses or suitable examples from the Bible.

    Apostates = Anyone who has been a Jehovah's Witness who opposes their beliefs (not necessarily people or individuals) and shares how they feel about the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society with anyone. A person who hasn't been a Jehovah's Witness but does clearly oppose their message and beliefs may also be referred to as an apostate.

    Experiences = Stories that will upbuild and encourage JW's. Experiences from outside of their organization do not count unless it involved a Jehovah's Witness and somehow puts a negative light on other religions and/or people.

  • mann377

    Worldly: Anything not JW

    Spirtually Weak: Anything you don't like about someone

    Mature: Company man

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Faithfull and discreet slave class = people who have a direct line to jah

    theocratic = ruled by jehoobie

    disfellowshipping = keeping the congregation clean

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    My big question for a couple years has been,"what the heck do IMO and IMHO mean?" I've yet to get an answer . . .

  • barbar

    IMO - In my opinion IMHO - In my humble opinion. Barbar

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    My particular favourite is "System of things" An incomprehensible expression and one that is unknown ouside the patois used by WT adherants. The meaning is never fully explained, even to new recruits, who run into this expression for the first time. It is merely repeated, with monotonous regularity, in WT literature, and the assumption is that the R&F will simply accept it.

    For what its worth, here is the official "explanation" of this term as published in the "Insight" book, Vol 2, pg 1054, where the writer[s] quotes at least two seperate scholars in support [out of context, naturally]: "It signifies time short or long, in its unbroken duration....but essentially time as the condition under which all created things exist, and the measure of their existence.....Thus signifying time, it comes presently to signify all which exists in the world under conditions of time.....and more ethically, the course and current of this world's affairs. It is the totality of that which manifests itself outwardly in the course of time" [The ellipses are in the original] Understandable?

    Note that these scholars whom the "Insight" writers are quoting, along with the ellipses, are not endorsing the WTS use of the expression "system of things" but are in fact explaining the Greek word "Aion" which the WTS uses as the basis for its "system of things" idea. These scholars are endorsing the use of the word "Age" as a close enough equivalent to "Aion" to be understandable. Every other intelligent reader has no problem in understanding "Age" in such texts as "What will be the sign of Your coming and the end of the age"? Matt 24:3 [NASB]

    To paraphrase the WT: "It is only in the WT system of things that the expression "System of things" has any currency"


  • fifi40

    NH or Not at Home - Someone who pretends to be out at when you knock at their door

    RV or Return Visit - Someone who made the mistake of being polite when you knocked at their door and took some literature to get rid of you or said more than ten words to you.

    NCA or Not to Call At - Someone whose door you shoudnt knock at for reasons varying from the fact that they may set their dogs on you to they are evil disfellowshipped apostate beings.

  • lavendar

    Goat: Me

  • Bstndance

    Unbelieving Mate: An oppressive, wordly, and most likely abusive spouse that is holding the bro/sis back from being as spiritually stong as they could be.

  • garybuss

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