What will Jehovah's Witnesses do when they realize they've been lied to

by cultswatter 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    I think there might be a mass revolt. Imagine a mob of 100,000 angry dubs in newyork smashing down WT 25 using telephone posts as battering rams. Then the looting and the destruction of every WT property in Newyork and elsewhere. Is this taking it too far, or could it be a possible scenario??

  • unbaptized

    Hello Cultswater,

    What will you do when Armageddon would comes and you find out you have been fighting against Jehovah?

  • carla

    Fighting against, or disagreeing with a man made cult is the same as fighting God?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I doubt that this will ever happen on a large scale. JW's who realize the lies
    are removed or silenced. I know that I stayed away from the "apostate" stuff
    like a good little JW for years.

    While new potential recruits will realize the lies, settled JW's will only drift out

    If there were some great revealing of scandal, JW rank and file would believe the
    spin from the GB about how they were involved in theocratic warfare or Satan
    got to one key member who is now disfellowshipped.

  • ninja

    I asked my wife this...what would you do if the society split apart after they were found to be wrong?...she said..."we would meet in small groups and keep going".....mork calling orson....come in orson

  • timetochange

    Those leaving the Witnesses will always be in the minority. To hope there will ever be a mass exodus is hope poorly spent.

    Better to live our lives caring for our families and others, in this only is there hope of achieving something worth the wait and the suffering. The Watchtower will continue just as the Roman Catholic Church continues though she has committed many atrocities!

    Care for your family and friends!


  • Mary
    I think there might be a mass revolt. Imagine a mob of 100,000 angry dubs in newyork smashing down WT 25 using telephone posts as battering rams.

    I can't see this happening on any large scale. The Witnesses for the most part, are too indoctrinated. Most of them will not consider for one minute that they're being lied to. They're trained to destroy anyone that the WTS views as a threat. In a spiritual sense, many of them are Manchurian candidates. It's extremely difficult to break through the mindset.

  • mavie

    Hello Cultswater,

    What will you do when Armageddon would comes and you find out you have been fighting against Jehovah?

    Please prove this using only the Bible.

    Wait, first prove to me the Bible is more than a book of fairy tales. For example, how could the global flood have happened only circa 4000 years ago when there are ice-core samples taken in Antartica which are dated 650,000 years old. Wasn't the Earth temperate and warm before the flood? Oops, I guess the ice caps couldn't have existed before the flood.

  • zack

    The JW's are beleivers in that THEY will never die. Death is for the other person, the older person, the wicked person, the prophets of old, for Christ, for those who

    go to heaven. However, THEY are not going to die---- EVER!!!!!!

    How can you argue with that delusion? If you were a Witness once, you know the mental gymnastics it took to swallow everything WT----- but when it came to

    NEVER dieing, well, all the gymnastics were worth it, right?


    The difference that I see between the Catholic Church and JW's is that the Catholic Church has never implied we are in the last few seconds of this system. How long can the JW's keep in expectation of the end??? I do think there is a falling away and it will increase as no new information is forthcoming. They've played their hand and nothing is happening as they foretold. NOTHING....



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