when trying to figure what out what i now BELIEVE and what is TRUE i can only think of one truth that keeps coming back to me...everything is 8
by thebiggestlie 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
TBL, do you mean you keep coming back to the same point and can't come to any conclusions? Are you OK, TBL?
You don't have to decide what you believe in now or in someone else's time frame. Many of us take our whole lives to decide what to believe in and this can change as we read, learn and grow.
Thinking of you, TBL
hmmmm how bizarre... i originally type the infinity symbol but when it posted it turned into the 8... oh well....what i was meaning is the only thing i keep coming to is that the universe and all of its possibilities are infinite. Whatever "truth" i find is only personal truth. Im ok penny2 or at least at the moment. I've swallowed all my pride and submitted to my parents and the witnesses just for the time being in order to keep the peace and buy me time to plan for my future. I've told them that i've decided to "give the truth a second chance" which totally brought them relief... It's both a loss and a win to me. Maybe if i play my cards right i can do the whole fade thing.... who knows. By the way i just 8 a P B & J sandwich....yum yum
I'm glad you're ok tbl
I've told them that i've decided to "give the truth a second chance" which totally brought them relief...
Yeah, but only temporary relief. I think you are doing the right thing for now, though. You have, as you say, bought yourself some time.