I know many people did business with me because I was an elder and HAD to be honest. I never cheated anybody anyway because it's simply not right but I know a lot of Witnesses that were "screwed" by other Witnesses......What about YOU???
Did You Do Business With JWs Thinking They Would Obviously Be More Honest?
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
I was never personally ripped off by jws, though I let a brother wash my windows, and he was more expensive than the "worldly" man I'd had before.
I knew a brother who sold his car to another jw though, and the jw buying the car arranged to pay by instalments. It was a "gentlemans agreement", nothing in writing. The jw buying the car paid two instalments, then refused to pay any more. The jw selling the car couldn't do anything, as there was no written agreement.
So much for honesty among jah's people!
Witness employees are the worst. They always need to take time off. And are unreliable.
My expeience with doing business with jws, is that generally, they think they are entitled to special favors because they are a "brother" or "sister", such as having time off, or worse, wanting a break on a price because of thier "brother" status. I know a jw who owns an auto shop in northern NJ, and it seems about every jw in NJ uses his services because of his jw status. I also know many, many jws owe him money. He continues to take the abuse because he doesn't know how to say NO!
I made the mistake of doing business with a JW inlaw. Since I only had a verbal agreement, he took his sweet time to pay me. 2 YEARS!
I worked for a couple of JWs, and I had a few work for me too. I also had dealings with some JW contractors. I knew two who were hard workers and honest, but most of the JWs I dealt with were very skilled at cutting corners and little else. One was an elder who was a "handyman" and he would get sued several times a year by his customers. He did work for my mom several times, and it never ceased to amaze me that so much stupidity could reside in one single human being. I also got burned for over $3000 by a JW in a business transaction.
I eventually got to the point where I would not work for a JW, nor would I ever hire a JW contractor.
I have been (am being) screwed by a JW nephew. He owes me well over five grand.
Only recently have I been getting a check for 75 bucks a week, and now that seems to have stopped.
The only reason I started helping him is because he was bumming off my father who is on a fixed income.
Other than that I have seen alot of JW's who have done the same as those mentioned earlier in the thread.
There is only 2 or 3 of all the JW's I know that I would do business with and the reason has nothing at all to do with their being a JW.
My JW SIL stole over 100k from her sister and "worldly" husband. Instead of caring for her mother, she spent all the $$$ on herself, family and house. She pays 500$ per mth. for the rest of her life rather than have the authorities charge her with theft.
I learned never to do business with "friends" or family and to never "loan" money. I would give people what I could afford...but no loans. I watched what happened to adults as I was growing up. I knew some who had not talked to each other for 30 years because of a business deal that went wrong.
I used to check up on JWs on the online court cases database. If they had a small claims cases against them (even several) I would warn people about doing business dealings with them.
Blondie (learn from other people's mistakes)
As a rule, I try to avoid doing business with Witnesses, relatives, or close friends. Anything can (and will) happen, and when you involve money, it can have a bad impact on a relationship. If I get screwed by "non-Witness", at least I have the option of taking him to court without a lot of repurcussions in the rest of my personal life.
When I was doing video services (weddings, memorial videos, etc) I never sought out the friends for business, for the very same reasons.