At Last! Awards for the Watchtower

by Farkel 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    I have been one of the harshest critics of the Watchtower Lying and Printing Corporation, and "some" have said I've been unfair with regards to my comments about them. Fair enough. Therefore, I think it would only be fair to list their credits and accomplishments and I will now do this.

    Since July of 1879 when Charles ("Chuckie") Russell produced his first copy of "Zion's Watchtower And the Herald of More Nonsense to Come", many wonderful things have happened because of all others who are not dubs. Airplanes, for example. The automobile. Calculators. Digital watches. Computers. The Internet. GPS. Eradication of smallpox, tuberculosis. Vaccines for diseases that have plagued mankind for millenia. The birth control pill. Space travel. Organ transplants that add decades to life. Lasers. Laser surgery. Boob jobs. Severed Penises sewn back on. Radio. Television. High DEFINITION television. The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Playboy magazine. iPods. Blackberries. Blogs. Leisure Suits (nevermind!). Deciphering the human genome. Genetic engineering. Cloning (in all fairness, the WTS had already mastered this technology by 1938!) Nanotechnology. Bucky Balls. Deep-fried Twinkies. (nevermind!) The atomic bomb and Atomic energy. Wind energy. Geothermal energy. Solar energy. Hydrogen energy. Corn energy. Flatulent energy (coming soon). Microsurgery. Major advances in pharmacology, nutrition and farming. And most importantly, Twinkies, Crayons, Teflon, Techtron, Loran, Pam, Spam, Jam, and Super Novas, Big Bangs, White Dwarfs, Red Giants, isotopes, heavy water, ions, zeons, neutrinos, string theory, relativity, dark matter, integration, fornication, and Steven Spielberg movies!

    So, I've nameed only a few and only a very few innovations that have happened since the first 1879 Watchtower magazine was produced and sold. So what has the Watchtower Corporation done to compete with that small list I just mentioned?

    In all fairness to Jehovah's personal interest in his one and only "channel" on earth, I think it fair to also give the Faithful and Discreet Slave(tm) credit where credit is due in helping the human condition for these past 125 or so years since Chuckie came out with his mag which, it so happens, started off with his first false propechy. God chose them. God guides them. God is interested in helping His earthly children by using his "channel" to better their condition. Right?

    The envelopes, please.

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions to the health and well-being of humanity":

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions to science and research which unlocks some of the mysteries of life":

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions for its contributions to poverty and starvation in the world":

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions to general charity throughout the nearly 200 countries where it sells its publications FOR A FREAKING PROFIT!":

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions it makes for showing love and compassion for its own members when they fail to make the grade the Society has set for them to make":

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions for providing for the care and welfare for life-long rank & file members who are too old and ill to take care of themselves":

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions they make to the countries who allow them to operate as they do":

    Zilch. They are TAX FREE and they express HATE for ALL countries, including the ones that give them permission to hate the countries who give them that exemption and freedom.

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions to the love and freedom they provide in each of their 80,000 congregations":

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions to science and medicine":

    "For the betterment of mankind, the Watchtower Society is hereby awarded for the following contributions to the janitorial, window washing and landscaping businesses":

    Right on! Kudus to you!


  • plmkrzy

    I'm surprised you didn't mention the gas mask. Wasn't that invented in 1914? lol.

    Very good Farkel. I'm going in the kitchen now to deep-fry some twinkies.

  • onacruse
    his first false propechy

    You misspeled prophecy. Theirfour I can't bulleev a wurd youve wroten.

  • plmkrzy

    whatuh nitpucker

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Outstanding accomplishments



  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Spot on, Farkel! And you're right! They did master cloning...........


  • heathen

    I think they did find a cure for insomnia. one their meetings can put you in a coma

  • Messy

    how about the award for most families divided and suicides of their young...kind of makes you think of those scary pagans who sacrificed their young....

    oh ya and the 'hypocrisy' award for warning us of those terrible pharisees and then tricking us into following countless added rules/ keep us in fear. always with the fear. ffffing fear mongers.

    speaking of which, the greatest acheivement for giving children fear of god to the point of nightmares and worries about never growing up.

    i finally understand why i was always in such a rush to grow up. luckily im only 25 and have at least another 75 years to go. yes thats right, my generation is going to live for a LOOOONNNGGGG TIMEEEEEEEEEE! i hope.

    sorry that my awards arent as clever. theyre downright blatant i know. im just venting. never felt anger like this before being dfd. never felt so free and alive either. BOY OH BOY IT FEELS GOOD TO THINK FOR MYSELF AND FEEL FEELINGS WITHOUT GUILT - no more drabby plain oatmeal livin for me.

    speaking of which.....there must be some sort of fashion award category. ugh. ill never wear my field ministry skirts again. THATS FREEEEEEEEDOOOMMMMM!

    messy jessy

  • truthsetsonefree

    Amen brother. The world progresses, life gets better every day, and those morons totally ignore it and contribute nothing. In fact they take away.


  • Stephanus
    ill never wear my field ministry skirts again.

    It does an old man's heart good - I'm always in favour of women refusing to wear clothing! LOL

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