I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A QUESTION.WHAT DOES O.P STAND FOR? I have studied the NWT for quite a while and I have no idea what it is . Can somebody enlighten me please.Thanking you.
by Shadower 16 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
In what context is OP used?
I can't find any reference to O.P. in the NWT. It may have reference to the Oxxxxx Papyrus. On the other hand it may be the code for a Watchtower publication. (e.g. G for Awake or YP for Young People Ask etc.)
They might be talking about me, Old People.
Ken P.
To me, OP stands for Officine Panerai. This is a highly sought after, limited edition series of watches. I am fortunate enough to actually have one, a Panerai model 195. I have alot of watches though, as I'm a collector.
Here is a photo of one just like mine:
Wing Commander
Take your choice from Definitions of op on the Web:
Operating Procedure: short for Standard Operating Procedure
universal abbreviation for Out of Print; see answer codes.
Opposite prompt: the right hand side of the stage as you face the audience. If the prompt corner (or simply corner (qv)) is on the OP side, it is called a bastard prompt.
(optic port) There are two optic ports per otp. The op device is automatically detected and configured by the system.
Other proofs. This term designates proofs that do not fit within the standard definitions described in this glossary. Any specifics recorded about the impression are in the Remarks field of the catalogue entry.
Organophosphate or organophosphorus insecticide: any of several synthetic chemical insecticides, based on chemical compounds including phosphate, which affect the nervous system. (DOA)
A registration category required of all qualified individuals who will function as a principal, compliance registered options principal (CROP), or senior registered options principal (SROP).
Tea is graded by leaf size. Orange Pekoe is a full leaf tea with no buds (tip).
A room with a view. This room can be within a building; or on top of a building; or free standing, on the ground or on a tower. The essential point of the OP is that it provides good observation over the area to be observed. To cover the perimeter of an installation, the edge of the installation needs to be in a series of straight lines with an OP at each corner; and perhaps more between. It may seem obvious that these are better if higher, but height adds blind spots underneath. ...
office paper.
sets out a series of measures for translating established priorities into action. Submitted by the Member State to the Commission for approval, the OP takes the form of a request for assistance in implementing a set of coherent, multiannual measures. These requests for assistance must dovetail with the timetable and priorities for action and funding set out in the CSF.
Occupational and Physical Therapy
observation post.
Evros prefecture-Orestiada area
(thick-shady): An extensive cloud patch, sheet or layer, the greater part of which is sufficiently opaque to mask completely the sun or moon.
Organophosphate Pesticide.
(Latin) Opus; a number assigned by the composer or publisher to identify the chronology of the composition or publication of a musical work
OP is more of an historical name. It means Knowledge Area, and was used at the beginning of PROPICE research probably to remind people of other Knowledge constructions such as Knowledge Source used in Black Board systems. See also Procedure.
www.laas.fr/~felix/dekartes/propice-doc/node224.html -
OPP, you know me!
Ocean Pacific.
tall penguin
lol @ james
tall penguin