For what it's worth,.....

by Twitch 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Twitch

    I was thinking about the various reasons I come to this site and felt the need to espouse some thoughts.

    I shied away from this site at first for what now seems some rather silly reasons; as if there were things here I didn't need to know, lol. But I did and do enjoy the scope of topics here, the intelligence, cameraderie and diverse opinions of the posters here. I have much respect for the admin and mods who devote much of their time to ensuring this site functions and is within socially acceptable boundaries. Ditto to all those who have and do research many of the relevant issues to the dub world and have social conscience enough to actively share their knowledge and act upon it. And to those who just care about others here, it's proof of the main reason why I left; that there are good people out there.

    It has been twenty years since I left and have come a long way in a lot of ways but still find something quite compelling in reading and sharing stuff with those who know what it was to be a jw. Much to be learned to be sure; it's all about the journey, no?

    To those who've welcomed me, shared stuff and extended their virtual friendship here, I say thank you; it means a lot to me. To all who've found their way out of the darkness, I am your "brother", :-)

    I don't often get expressive to this extent, so don't expect more of this kinda stuff for some time,...;-)

    Just saying is all,....

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    ((((((((((Twitch))))))))) My brother. You and others like you are the reason we keep coming back here.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Hey fellow Canuck were on the same page. I know exactly what you mean about the value of this board and the variety of comments. Its also important too that other people know what it was like. It's kind of like it's own sub culture, where one feels a sense of belonging. I feel more kinship here in cyber space ,than I ever did in the witneses.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    This forum is the reason I didn't go back to the borg. Thank you for your post.

  • greendawn

    There is a wealth of liberating information as well as emotional support on this forum and to be sure there are in the world people that are much nicer than the average dub. The FDS claims that the world is homogenious in its nature but it is anything but that and clearly the dubs benefitted enormously from such worldly people, they even cooperated with Johannes Grebber.

  • RAF

    We belong ... (that's at least something the WTBS left to us to enjoy for real)

  • Crumpet
    I don't often get expressive to this extent, so don't expect more of this kinda stuff for some time,...;-)

    Just saying is all,....

    What a lovely thoughtful message and I completely agree with you in all respects.

    Tyrone - yes it is a sub culture but of another subculture - what is that called? a sub-sub culture? There must be a sociological term for it...

    It was impossible to be accepted before and here on the whole I feel very accepted with all my quirks and foibles which is why i love it and in times of insecurity it is great to come back here for reassurance and to find my feet and to remember my identity - which isnt doomed worthless victim, but is in fact strong-willed cult escaping sex bomb - (well thats how y'all make me feel and it helps me achieve much more in the real world with that kind of support!)

  • found-my-way


    I loved reading your thoughts, I feel the exact same way, it's soo nice to come here and feel like we all belong, no matter what our beliefs are. It's a wonderful feeling to be accepted...

    Thank you to everyone here for helping people to get free from the slavery of the WTBTS.


  • AuldSoul


    Your post expresses exactly how I felt; how I still feel about the benefit of this forum. I haven't been out for 20 years, but I am sure I would never have been as confident that I made the right decision if I was never able to engage other JW-affected at every stage of awakening. I can't imagine anywhere besides the Internet that someone could interact with as many varying perspectives and backgrounds or consider so many "life after JWs" stories.

    Thanks for sharing and I promise not expect more.

    Kt Tunstall - Through The Dark Lyrics

    As I walk away
    I look over my shoulder
    To see what I'm leaving behind

    Pieces of puzzles
    And wishes on eyelashes fail

    How do I show all the love
    Inside my heart

    Well this is all new
    And I'm feeling my way through the dark

    And I used to talk
    With honest conviction
    Of how I predicted my world
    I'm gonna leave it to star gazers
    Tell me what your telescope says

    Oh what is in store for me now?
    It's coming apart

    I know that it's true
    'cause i'm feeling my way through the dark

    Tryin' to find a light on somewhere
    Tryin' to find a light on somewhere
    I'm finding i'm falling in love with the dark, over there

    Oh oh what do I know I don't care
    Where I start

    For my troubles are few
    As I'm feeling my way through the dark
    Through the dark
    I'm feeling my way through the dark

    I'm not sure I am fully on the other side yet, but I see the light now. There is a bright future ahead.


  • dedpoet
    It has been twenty years since I left and have come a long way in a lot of ways but still find something quite compelling in reading and sharing stuff with those who know what it was to be a jw

    That's how I feel, and why I keep coming back here. It had been almost 6 years since I'd left before I registered here, though I'd viewed the site for a few years before that.

    Even though I'd eliminated dubspeak from my vocabulary long before I came here, and had no doubts whatsoever about the wtbts being a cult, I have still derived a great deal of benefit from finally registering here, and being able to converse with people who have walked in the same shoes as me, as well as meeting a few in person, an opportunity I wouldn't have had if I hadn't joined.

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