To the average Witness, any discord in the world inspires thoughts
that Armageddon is near. Yet, there is a better explanation than
this superficial, knee-jerk reaction.
We are witnessing the End of History.
Some years ago, a brilliant book was written called The End of
History (Fukiyama, I think). It's thesis is that history is a record
of conflict, war and battle. If you eliminate that conflict, you
don't have much history to record. The book claims that historical
struggles are coming to an end because humans are moving towards
universal recognition that social democracy is the only moral,
legitimate and effective form of government for humans. Add world
trade and globalization, and national struggles evaporate.
Communism, as an alternative, died out.
We are now seeing desperate efforts of radical Islamic culture
fighting to prevail while Western culture and technology leave them
in the dust. All the West needs now is an inexpensive new source
of energy and Islamic cultures will sink into permanent obscurity.
Ask yourself if Libya or Saudia Arabia has agriculture (no),
industry(no), mining (no), abundant water sources (no) or
a trained technological populace (no). Take away the oil wealth
and they will be forgotten.
A new world is being born, indeed!
For many, the greatest challenge will be living
without the excitement of war - or tragedy
But we still have a few years yet to go
before we fully reach that state of being, as humans.
metatron (may you live in interesting times)