I used to be the son of an elder. That time wasn't very enjoyable...we had to be early every time, much to the stress of the rest of my family (I could always get ready in 5 minutes or less). Many times we would ride to the meeting in awkward silence, my father's lips pursed white with anger at not leaving soon enough.
I remember being told that as an elder's family, we had to be exemplary in all respects. We had to comment at every meeting, be on time, and keep our field service time at or above the national average. The effect on my father's mental well-being was detrimental, to say the least. Dad was more of a nervous wreck than usual. He'd come home emotionally drained, and had little in the way of therapeutic release. During that time, I was taught the importance of keeping a "stiff upper lip," as the saying goes. Appearance was everything.
I'm glad he stepped down...it would've really ruined him to keep his postion.