When I picked my roommate up last night from her bookstudy, I asked her if they had announced the information about there being a separate Watchtower for the public. She said she had never heard of such a thing and asked where I heard that. I told her I read it on the boards. I'm just curious.
Should all JW's know by know about the changes to the Watchtower mag?
by oppgirl63 16 Replies latest jw friends
Congregation body of elders receive a letter from the WTS administration (probably in February). They should announce this some time in February. There is still once day this week (Thursday) and next week (Tuesday) that still fall in February. It is possible they may announce it one of those 2 days. I don't think it is mandated that it be announced on one particular day in February. Is there another congregation in the area? Is it possible to check with them?
She got real quiet when I told her this. She doesn't really like the fact that I read this message board but I told her I was addicted to it just like she was addicted to the Watchtower LOL.. I'm kind of glad that maybe they haven't announced it yet...maybe they will this week and she'll see that I'm telling the truth. I think I'll print the copy of the letter to be read that someone else posted and let her read it tonight. Do you all think that's a good idea?
AK - Jeff
The letter is dated Feb 9 - the instructions are for it to be read the first service meeting after they recieve it - which for most congregations in the US was last week. There is a download available here somewhere on JWD. I sent a copy to a local elder to make sure they got it [Big Grin on my face]. They hate it when apostates know as much as they do.
Maybe she missed the meeting?
I think she missed one bookstudy this month, but not a TMS meeting (but I'm not completely sure). I am going to print out the letter and let her read it.
Can someone direct me to the topic with the letter? I need the .pdf with the watchtower logo or she won't believe it.
AK - Jeff
give me a minute - looking
AK - Jeff
This is the thread. It downloads in TIF not PDF [I prefer PDF too]. I viewed and printed it from Windows fax viewer, and it looked like it came off the Brooklyn presses. The Logo is there.
Thanks Jeff!
The congregation I'm officially part of, still hasn't read the letter...I was at work last night but I confirmed it with my sibling. She doesn't believe me about the switch. The congregation I'm in is notoriously slow for reading letters....Like that letter on disaster preparedness which was read in Toronto congregations and some Hamilton ones up to 3 weeks (I'm not exaggerating) before we heard it.