Is this site for ex Jws like myself
Ex- JWs
by DJK 17 Replies latest jw friends
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This board is for everyone! (But has mainly x-jws on it!) Welcome.
Hi dkj
I'm a fading xjw - started fading last year. this is good place to be to heal, learn and express.
Welcome DJK -
This board is for ex JWs, JWs, people who are married to JWs and anyone who's interested in JWs.
The ex JWs dominate though, and friendship, support and education are the big themes here.
Have a look in The Best Of section if you get a chance.
Welcome DJK, why not tell us a bit about yourself & how you got out of the Org? But as 'Blondie' says, not TOO much if you know what i mean.
My father became a JW before I was a year old. I knew only abuse as disipline by a man who would hold the bible in one hand and whip me with the other. Many parents at that time did this and they all say it was out of love. I was whipped severly in first grade for stealing, which I didn't do, it was a prank some one else had done. Thats when a hate so bad fell onto my heart that even Al Quida would hide in thier caves. I wanted to kill my father and actually thought about it many times growing up. Instead I became an athiest at 6 years old and studied peoples weaknesses that cause them to find something in the bible to help them make decisions they can't make on thier own.
Welcome DJK - an atheist at 6! wow. your parently really showed u gods love huh?
You sound a little scary but welcome aboard!
Welcome and take some time to look at some of the other threads and personal experiences. I've found it to be very enlightening, starting the process to get rid of the hatred I have for this cult and even the people, this is somthing that I no longer wish to live with!!