I am either thinking of selling or if nobody wants to buy then just giving them away, is anybody interested
Does anybody want the Kingdom Melodies 8 CD set,
by needproof 23 Replies latest jw friends
Could you post a picture of them so I can look @ there quality?
I also want to get rid of Evolution vs Creation book, the new theotwatic school book and the young people ask: answers that suck book.
No thanks.... I've already got a bottle of Ipecac for emergencies.
are you having a laugh ;)
Are they the piano arrangements, the orchestra crap, or the ones with the vocals? If they're the ones with the vocals, I'll gladly take them.
Oh yeah, I still have to put up my latest work for all of you to enjoy. I had fun with that "Kiss the son lest god be angry" song.
Oh wait, I'm not done yet. I've gotta put a few "HEY"s in it, and maybe some guitar work. But it does have a killer beat that you can dance to. Does anyone have that Watchtower quote where they say that many Rock beats come from voodoo worship (or something along those lines)?
Alas, my "Hooked on Kingdom Melodies" project has started!
Im afraid its the orchestra crap.
No thanks i've got that set - and i donated 100quid for them - that was i thinking?! I've decided to recycle them though, they will make excellent bird scarers tied to a tree down my allotment - better still if i play them down there - that'll scare everyone away!
Yes, I donated a tenner for each CD when I was still at the meetings. Good job I took back that money just before I left ;)