Rooster, there's a free lunch at the saloon around the corner.
The Great Day of HIS NAME is upon us!
by Nathan Natas 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am looking forward to reading this book. It was first published in 1967, the year I awoke from the deep Watchtower drug induced sleep. Gary Botting in the Orwellian World of JWs makes reference to it. I tried to find out more about the book, he said there were no copies to be had. He had read it from a photo copy made from a library book.
The book came out in the glory years of Jaydom just preceding 1975. It will be interesting to compare it with events that have happened since then.
I've got a copy of the new printing. It's making to be a great read. Nice 'larger than normal size and print. I am wondering if it could have used a bit more reference footnotes though. There seem to be plenty when quoting from old publications, but on other historical matters (at least so far as I have read which is through the first 4 'biographical' chapters on CTR) it'd be nice to know where all that info on him came from.