For Princess and any others curious

by Rex B13 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    As I said before, I am not trying to hurt your feelings, or insult you. Sorry if I did.

    As for Princess, you may know she is my daughter. She is an adult, and extremely intelligent, so her questions are her own business. I wouldn't begrudge her anything.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Search scripture for Jesus' teaching the pharisees about hell. It is not 'figurative'. Take the time to learn the theology and see what you discover. The post answers your previous questions about the immortal soul.
    Surely Marilyn would not begrudge you doing some honest digging on such an important issue as YOUR salvation, right?
    What is the consequence of sin and why are we 'fallen'?

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    How am I insulting you, Princess? I am patiently posting information that I do not expect nor require an answer to. I know there is too much to digest at once. Copy it to a word file and go from there.

    You seem to want quick, one minute answers to questions that involve actual study time in order to understand the context. WE have to unlearn JWism in order to hope to understand Biblical teachings. I grieve that so many Christians do not take the time to truly learn what the Bible teaches and why.
    I wish you enlightenment, your mother as well.

  • Satanus


    I was once where you are now.

    Knowledge puffs up.

    Meet god before you die.


  • messenger

    Hey Rex,
    God called me tonight. He said you was wrong about him and to shut up. He went on to relate that being born once was enough and he did not see the need for anyone to use a birth analogy to find peace with him and be a good person. All organized religion is run by Satan, it helps him kill far more people than he do could otherwise, so if you want to find God you better not go to church.

    God said if you question this message he will torment you in everlasting hellfire forever and ever.

    Be careful ole buddy I think you got God pissed.

  • hillary_step


    This is strictly for those who want to know how to become saved. You will not even truly have the desire to unless you are called by the Father.

    You are of course entitled to believe anything that you so desire, within the law, however, have you really stopped to think that your comments above might be interpreted by any sane person as a little smug and a lot arrogant?

    Rather than beguiling us with your cut-n-paste, do-it-yourself religion, you would be better of writing the 'Rex And His Humility Free Guide To Getting Saved', in your own words.

    A not terribly impressed - HS

  • Princess

    Rex, why won't you just answer the question? I am not interested in studying the scriptures. It seems to me in your original post that you pulled many scriptures out of context and then when I questioned that, you cut and pasted a book. I think you are adding your own interpretations to what you posted. Fine, just admit it and lets move on.


  • Satanus


    Jesus emptied himself to find himself as a man.
    You need to empty yourself to find god.


  • Julie


    I want you now more than ever.


  • Farkel

    : I had to search some time before I found enlightenment.

    Those who know, don't say, and those who say, don't know.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

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