What is Hell

by Mrs Smith 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    An Assembly at the Vet in Philadelphia....In July/August.

  • free2beme

    I think it looks something like this

  • looking_glass

    No! to all ... hell is being stuck on the 136 Bus stuck on LSD and it is full, the bus is at a stand still and ... the young chick 2 seats ahead of you, is talking w/ her outside voice on her cell and there is someone on that bus that keeps farting the rotten egg farts! NOW THAT IS HELL!

  • Twitch
    What is Hell?

    Been there, bought the t-shirt, took pictures, roasted marshmallows,.......:-)

    I like so many, have felt times when there seemed like there was no light in the world, that I was alone and that all is essentially hopeless. Especially at times when your world is torn apart, you don't know which way is up or who you really are. Everything you thought you knew is not the case and you don't know what to do. Emotions run rampant or don't exist at all or both. You may feel on the edge of losing your sanity, peering into the "abyss" of reality without the safety net of belief in self. This is a sort of hell, at least has been in my experience. But in those times was forged stronger things needed to reinvent myself, belief that I will get through this and do what needs to be done. And I don't believe I'm alone.

    As for some spiritual place where you reside in pain for eternity, i leave it to the scholars and/or the believers,.....;-)

    PS Reminds me of a lyric, "You've seen me at my worst and it won't be the last time I'm down there"

  • bebu
    Has anyone done some research on this.

    LOL! This phrase just struck me as funny... <----Here's my research!

    I think of hell as a place of isolation from all relationships. The self is left to "exist", but as a corruption of what God originally intended it to be. If there is pain in hell, it comes from three sides. I think one side is an utter and eternal sense of loneliness, the result of the practice of rejecting love (and refusing to love) in whatever forms God offered in one's life... The second is unrelenting self-will, an incapability to relent--possessing a cold heart of stone that refuses even yet to yield, even as it realizes it is eternally mistaken... I think the 3rd side is regret or sorrow or shame.

    I think we all suffer "hell" in these ways for a while here. It isn't research, just observations.


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Thanks for the replies. Not exactly what I expected although some of the replies made me laugh. I wanted serious biblical answers.

  • SPAZnik

    good description bebu

  • LittleToe

    There are many facets to every crystal. For that reason I like what both James and Bebu have written.

    I would add that its a "place" (and I don't mean that in a physical sense, like Baghdad at night) that you can experience that is so "dark" and so "outside" that you really don't want to be there. I have seen this, too.

  • Mary
    Q: What is Hell? A: a JW Assembly.

    You're half way there my friend. 'Pure Hell' is sitting in an enclosed auditorium for the summer ASSembly, when there's no airconditioning, 103 F outside with a humidity factor putting it up to 115 F, people fainting all over the place due to heat exhaustion, and the asshole on the platform having the nerve to go overtime telling us how much we're blessed to have the priviledge of attending in the first place. Happened about 5 years ago.

  • lfcviking

    Naaa, Hell is Old Trafford the players are Demons and Alex Ferguson is Satan.


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