atheism and spirituality are not mutally exclusive objects. i do not define spirituality as anything super-natural because all occurances are natural. the evolution of our psychology as a result of our interaction with language and abstraction. expansion of the bubble around our heads. a documented phenomenon in certain members of our species with increasing frequency over the course of the last few thousand years. a completely natural move from ape to human to super human.
for me it boils down to beatitude, as the happy "well-being" of aquinas' "beatitudo". it comes in part from an awakening moment, where one goes from the having mode of existence, to the being mode of existence, psychologically. and as a result, one's calcifying pineal gland begins working more and more again, producing more and more DMT. if a hard hard reduction was to be taken, then DMT is spirit(uality). i prefer that it is an extra-genomic pan-dimensional consciousness portal, but i could be wrong. heh. either way, divine by nature.