This is weird.
I searched on the internet for ideas for my re-instatement letter and after gathering my information I submitted it.
The local body of elders questioned some of the information on it asking if it was from my heart and asking where I got it. Finally I came clean and told them I basically had writers block and copied some info from other letters on the net and whatnot.
Apparently there is some type or RiLP's system.
Re-instatement Plagiarism System.
One of my friends from Indonesia told me they have been imaging publisher cards for some years and storing them digitally.
Has anyone else had a similar experience
My Re-instatement Letter
by Hangin_on 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome hangin on, what's your story why did you decide to get reinstated? I suppose it was family reasons as with most ex JWs that want to reconnect with the old network.
Id have to say to them then...when you say "The Lords Prayer" it NOT from your heart because you are reading/reciting it from the Bible and billions of other people said the exact same thing?
Hi Hangin_on, and welcome
Most of us on here are ex jws, and very few have ever sent a reinstatement letter. I certainly haven't, and never will
Welcome Hangin, I haven't had such an experience or know of anyone but nothing would surprise me, a real good thought though about citing the Lord's Prayer,
Big Brother is watching when I read your thread about plagerizing, the very fact that you wrote one should tell them that you want to be back, all this heart reading and scrutinizing by mere men makes me sick.
Tell them you would like to see some sort of copy or documentation of the first person reinstated in the Bible in Corinth, that you would like to get some ideas from that brother who was repentant. OPPS he didn't have one, because the way the Witnesses do it is NOT scriptural, there is no basis for a letter.
Matt 23:4 They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden.
I wish you the best on your journey back.
Dude. You admitted to finding it on the net.. I totally inderstand that you thought they were on to you. Mind tricks again. But what i did was just prayed, wrote from the heart, and sent it. Dont overthink it.
You plaigerized a re-instatement letter!!!??? I'm sorry, that is one of the funniest things I've ever heard! I'm guessing you did not get re-instated...
Anyway, welcome to the board. You will fit right in. And good luck with the next letter.
I think this System they have is really going to make it harder to get back in
You wrote one of those letters and attend this website, are you lost?