You would stop criticising the JWs if they do what?

by greendawn 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    Occasionally we get accused of being too harsh and venomous with the JWs and the WTS that directs them in all things. So to give a measure of how justified we feel in criticising them we could ask the question:

    What things do the dubs have to stop doing or believing for you to stop criticising them?

    For me some crucial things would be: they should stop the shunning practice, the blood transfusion ban, the totalitarian style of administration, pressing people to preach willy nilly, give up the other sheep class in favour of one anointed class also the unique "channel" doctrine, be more friendly and understanding towards the rest of the world.

    All the above are part of the stuff that make a swinish cult.


  • Seeker4

    Published an apology listing all of their reasons to say, "We're sorry." Starting with volume one!

    Bought an hour of primetime TV to make a public apology, and put it into reruns.

    Sold all of their property and distributed the profits among all of those they've disfellowshipped or who have disassociated.

    Turned all of the local KHalls over to the local congregations with instructions to sell them and do the same with the profits.


    S4 - the dreamer

  • Finally-Free

    By criticizing governments, religions, the media, business, entertainment, the medical profession, education, and everything else they don't control they are inviting criticizm.

    When they stop criticizing, so will I.


  • undercover
    You would stop criticising the JWs if they do what?

    Cease to exist?

    Seriously...there are so many things f'd up about the religion, that they would pretty much have to cease to exist as they do now...which would mean wholesale changes all the way down the line. In doing something like that, they would lose most of their current membership and have to recruit a whole new base. I don't see that happening, so I guess I'll keep on criticizing the hypocrisy and deceit.

    Even though I may criticize the religion as a whole, I try to not criticize individual JWs, just because they're JWs. Most of them are like a lot of us were, fooled and indoctrinated into a cult. They need our understanding and help when possible, not criticizing. But at the same time, if a particular JW irritates me with their self-righteousness or overzealousness, I'll be sure to let them know how I feel about them personally.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Just about everything they do now, I'd say.

    If they disbanded, then I'd leave them be.

  • ninja

    They go the same way of the Worldwide church of the video on google video....jaw droppingly good

  • avidbiblereader

    Many of the above threads hit home and I agree, the most would be a public apology for all the lives they have ruined, misled, and be totally honest with all that they KNOW that is wrong and just be honest with everyone and stop this condescending veiwpoint on everyone that isn't a JW.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I try to be kind to the individual JW's. They are victims, I was a victim.
    I tried as hard as they did to do the bidding of the leader (GB).
    I only try to remind them not to judge others so harshly. They enjoy
    blasting people for what they wear or who they associate with or how
    they raise their kids. I know I did some of that, but some JW's are
    terribly judgmental. I just remind them that we all are imperfect and
    we all are free to make personal choices.

    The WTS organization, itself- I am with Seeker4 on that.

  • greendawn

    I also agree that in practice the WTS can not reform and it has to go. If it does carry out all the necessary changes so as to become a responsible and honest religion then it will no longer be the WTS. We also forgot the worst victims of the WTS ruthless opportunism: those that died by refusing blood (the WTS blames them for not taking blood) and those that committed suicide due to the inhuman WTS policies, and their families that they left behind.

  • DannyHaszard

    What could the Watchtower leadership do to 'almost overnight' improve it's image and become a more benign religion? (1) Repeal their draconian shunning protocol of dissident members (suggested by Gary B.) (2) Stop ineffective door to door cold call intrusion to recruit members,I have found this the be the #1 complaint among the general population (3) Get rid of the embarassing blood transfusion thingy By the way...U want Danny to go away?

    Watchtower bosses go after the Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall and Danny Haszard will do da stall... instead if ya cop-a-plea A-O-P... Danny will go on and gloat with glee.

    Got 100,000 anti-Watchtower cult pages up in 5 years of Internet and I ain't gonna stop until ......

    Dig it??

    ------- No rest for the wicked watchtower-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine edit--What forensic psychologist say about cult leaders like Jim Jones and David Koresh.They are control freaks who will never abdicate control.They will choose death by suicide or a fiery fight to the very end.We can indeed see a comparison with the arrogant watchtower cult.

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