2006 CD ROM

by stillajwexelder 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder

    Well I have the new 2006 CD ROM and have installed it. It comes with a new program - WT Reader - but wait for this - it takes 1 Gigabyte of Hard Disk Storage space for hard drive install. Now this can be cut down by running direct from CD -ROM. New features added - This is really great software. Dont bombard me with requests - my CD burner is broken. I need to get a new computer. TMS schedule is in and when you click on it it comes up with the material. Good research tool. Just like photodrama of Creation - the WTS is not frightened of new technology - just frightened by the Internet

  • stillajwexelder

    Updated Revelation Grand Climax is on too

  • stillajwexelder






    During 2007 the following will be the arrangements for conducting the Theocratic Ministry School.

    SOURCE MATERIAL: NewWorldTranslationoftheHolyScriptures [bi12], TheWatchtower [w], BenefitFromTheocraticMinistrySchoolEducation [be], "AllScriptureIsInspiredofGodandBeneficial" (1990 Edition) [si], and ReasoningFromtheScriptures (1989 Edition) [rs].

    The school should begin ON TIME with song, prayer, and remarks of welcome and then proceed as outlined below. After each part, the school overseer will introduce the next part.

    SPEECH QUALITY: 5 minutes. The school overseer, the auxiliary counselor, or another qualified elder will discuss a speech quality based on the MinistrySchool textbook. (In congregations with a limited number of elders, qualified ministerial servants may be used.)

    ASSIGNMENT NO. 1: 10 minutes. This should be handled by a qualified elder or ministerial servant, and it will be based on TheWatchtower,BenefitFromTheocraticMinistrySchoolEducation, or "AllScriptureIsInspiredofGodandBeneficial." It is to be delivered as a ten-minute instruction talk. The objective should be not just to cover the material but to focus attention on the practicalvalue of the information being discussed, highlighting what will be most helpful to the congregation. The theme shown should be used. It is expected that brothers assigned this talk will be careful to keepwithinthetimelimit. Private counsel may be given as needed.

    HIGHLIGHTS FROM BIBLE READING: 10 minutes. For the first five minutes, a qualified elder or ministerial servant should apply the material to local needs. He may comment on any portion of the assigned Bible reading for the week. This should not be just a summary of the assigned reading. The principal objective is to help the audience to appreciate why and how the information is of value. The speaker should be careful not to exceed the five minutes allotted for the opening portion. He should ensure that five minutes are set aside for audience participation. The audience should be invited to offer brief comments (30 seconds or less) on what they have appreciated in the Bible reading and its benefits. The school overseer will then dismiss the students who are assigned to other classrooms.

    ASSIGNMENT NO. 2: 4 minutes or less. This is a reading to be given by a brother. The student should read the assigned material without giving an introduction or a conclusion. The school overseer will be especially interested in helping students to read with understanding, fluency, proper sense stress, modulation, appropriate pausing, and naturalness.

    ASSIGNMENT NO. 3: 5 minutes. This will be assigned to a sister. Students receiving this assignment will either be assigned a setting or select one from the list appearing on page 82 of the MinistrySchool textbook. The student should use the assigned theme and apply it to an aspect of field service that is realistic and practical for the local territory. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in our publications. Newer students should be given assignments for which references are supplied. The school overseer will be particularly interested in the way the student develops the material and the way she helps the householder to reason on the Scriptures and to understand the key points of the presentation. The school overseer will assign one assistant.

    ASSIGNMENT NO. 4: 5 minutes. The student should develop the assigned theme. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in our publications. When assigned to a brother, this part should be given as a talk with the Kingdom Hall audience in mind. When a sister is given this part, it should always be presented as outlined for Assignment No. 3. The school overseer may give a brother Assignment No. 4 whenever he sees fit to do so. Please note that themes with an asterisk next to them should always be assigned to brothers to develop as talks.

    COUNSEL: 1 minute. The school overseer will not announce in advance the speech quality that a student is working on. After Assignments No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, the school overseer will offer positive observations on an aspect of the talk that was commendable. His aim is not simply to say "well done" but, rather, to draw attention to specific reasons why that aspect of the presentation was effective. According to the need of each student, additional constructive counsel may be given privately after the meeting or at another time.

    TIMING: No talk should go overtime, nor should the remarks of the counselor. Assignments No. 2 through 4 should tactfully be stopped when the time is up. If brothers handling the opening talk on a speech quality, Assignment No. 1, or highlights from the Bible reading go overtime, they should be given private counsel. All should watch their timing carefully. Total program: 45 minutes, excluding song and prayer.

    COUNSEL FORM: In textbook.

    AUXILIARY COUNSELOR: The body of elders may select a capable elder, if one is available in addition to the school overseer, to handle the assignment as auxiliary counselor. If there are a number of elders in the congregation, then a different qualified elder may care for this assignment each year. The auxiliary counselor’s responsibility will be to give private counsel, if needed, to brothers who present Assignment No. 1 and Bible highlights. It is not necessary that he offer counsel after each of such talks by fellow elders or by ministerial servants.

    ORAL REVIEW: 30 minutes. Every two months, the school overseer will conduct an oral review. It will be preceded by the consideration of a speech quality and highlights from the Bible reading as outlined above. The oral review will be based on material considered in the school over the preceding two months, including the current week. If your congregation has a circuit assembly during an oral review week, then the review (and the rest of the weekly schedule) should be postponed one week and the subsequent week’s schedule should be used one week early. If the circuit overseer will be visiting your congregation during an oral review week, then the song, the speech quality talk, and Bible highlights should be presented as scheduled. The instruction talk (given after the speech quality talk) should be drawn from the following week’s schedule. The Theocratic Ministry School for the next week will proceed with the speech quality talk and Bible highlights as scheduled, followed by the oral review.



    1Biblereading:Isaiah24-28Song 33


    Quality: Practical Application of Material (be p. 158 ¶2-4)


    1: Preparing Student Assignments for the School (be p. 43 ¶1–p. 44 ¶3)


    2: Isaiah 26:1-18


    3: Abortion—Why Forbidden? (rs pp. 25-6 ¶4)


    4: How Can We "Put On the Lord Jesus Christ"? (Rom. 13:14)


    8Biblereading:Isaiah29-33Song 42


    Quality: Helping Others to Get the Point (be p. 159 ¶1-4)


    1: Working With a Subject and a Setting (be p. 44 ¶4–p. 46 ¶2)


    2: Isaiah 30:1-14


    3: Responding to Someone Who Says: ‘I Have a Right to Decide on Matters Affecting My Own Body’ (rs p. 26 ¶5)


    4: How We Know That Jehovah God Loves Children




    Quality: Choice of Words (be p. 160 ¶1-3)

    No. 1: Cultivate Jesus’ View of Right and Wrong (w05 1/1 pp. 9-10 ¶11-15)

    No. 2: Isaiah 34:1-15

    No. 3: How to Cultivate Genuine Love

    No. 4: Adam and Eve—Actual Historical People? (rs pp. 27-8)

    Jan. 22Biblereading:Isaiah38-42Song 61

    SpeechQuality: Language Easily Understood (be p. 161 ¶1-4)

    No. 1: Do Not Be Deterred by Opposition (w05 1/1 p. 15 ¶16-18)

    No. 2: Isaiah 38:9-22

    No. 3: Responding to Someone Who Says: ‘Adam’s Sin Was God’s Will’ (rs p. 29 ¶1-2)

    No. 4: Why Refrain From Attributing Bad Motives to Others

    Jan. 29Biblereading:Isaiah43-46Song113

    SpeechQuality: Variety and Accuracy in Expression (be p. 161 ¶5–p. 162 ¶4)

    No. 1: Why We Accept Jehovah’s Judgments (w05 2/1 pp. 23-4 ¶4-9)

    No. 2: Isaiah 45:1-14

    No. 3: Why Is Ancestor Worship Futile? (rs p. 29 ¶3–p. 31 ¶3)

    No. 4: Why Christians Avoid Competitive Comparisons

    Feb. 5Biblereading:Isaiah47-51Song 79

    SpeechQuality: Words That Convey Vigor, Feeling, Color (be p. 163 ¶1–p. 164 ¶2)

    No. 1: Jehovah’s Word Keeps Us Clean and Is an Aid to Faithfulness (w05 4/15 pp. 11-12 ¶5-11)

    No. 2: Isaiah 50:1-11

    No. 3: Why Ancestor Worship Displeases Jehovah God (rs p. 31 ¶4–p. 32 ¶1)

    No. 4: Does the Bible Discourage the Giving of Gifts?

    Feb. 12Biblereading:Isaiah52-57Song139

    SpeechQuality: Speech Conforming to the Rules of Grammar (be p. 164 ¶3–p. 165 ¶1)

    No. 1: Jehovah’s Word Imparts Courage (w05 4/15 pp. 12-13 ¶12-14)

    No. 2: Isaiah 55:1-13

    No. 3: Living a Life of Self-Sacrifice Is Worthwhile

    No. 4: Who Are the Antichrists? (rs pp. 32-3)

    Feb. 19Biblereading:Isaiah58-62Song189

    SpeechQuality: Use of an Outline (be p. 166 ¶1–p. 167 ¶2)

    No. 1: Isaiah—Why Beneficial (si p. 123 ¶34-9)

    No. 2: Isaiah 60:1-14

    No. 3: Why Is Slavery to God an Agreeable Thing?

    No. 4: Identifying Apostates (rs p. 34 ¶1–p.36 ¶1)

    Feb. 26Biblereading:Isaiah63-66Song141

    SpeechQuality: Organizing Your Thoughts (be p. 167 ¶3–p. 168 ¶2)


    Mar. 5Biblereading:Jeremiah1-4Song 70

    SpeechQuality: Keep Your Talk Outline Simple (be p. 168 ¶3–p. 169 ¶5)

    No. 1: Introduction to Jeremiah (si p. 124 ¶1-5)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 3:1-13

    No. 3: On What Does True Happiness Depend?

    No. 4: What Should Be Our Attitude Toward Apostates? (rs p. 36 ¶2–p. 37 ¶2)

    Mar. 12Biblereading:Jeremiah5-7Song159

    SpeechQuality: Logical Development of Material (be p. 170 ¶1–p. 171 ¶2)

    No. 1: Preparing Talks for the Congregation (be p. 47 ¶1–p. 49 ¶1)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 5:1-14

    No. 3: Christ Did Not Build the Church on Peter (rs p. 37 ¶3–p. 39 ¶3)

    No. 4: Applying the Lesson of Exodus 14:11 in Our Time

    Mar. 19Biblereading:Jeremiah8-11Song182

    SpeechQuality: Presenting Information in a Logical Way (be p. 171 ¶3–p. 172 ¶5)

    No. 1: Preparing Service Meeting Parts and Other Talks (be p. 49 ¶2–p. 51 ¶2)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 10:1-16

    No. 3: How Do We Know That Abraham, Job, and Daniel Had Faith in the Resurrection?

    No. 4: What Were the Keys Peter Used? (rs p. 39 ¶4–p. 41 ¶5)

    Mar. 26Biblereading:Jeremiah12-16Song205

    SpeechQuality: Using Only Relevant Material (be p. 173 ¶1-4)

    No. 1: The Ransom Magnifies God’s Righteousness (w05 11/1 pp. 13-14)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 12:1-13

    No. 3: "Apostolic Successors" Not True Christians (rs p. 42 ¶1–p. 44 ¶3)

    No. 4: In What Way Should a Christian Be Proud?

    Apr. 2Biblereading:Jeremiah17-21Song 30

    SpeechQuality: Extemporaneous Delivery (be p. 174 ¶1–p. 175 ¶4)

    No. 1: Preparing Discourses for the Public (be p. 52 ¶1–p. 54 ¶1)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 20:1-13

    No. 3: Where Will Armageddon Be Fought? (rs p. 44 ¶4–p. 46 ¶3)

    No. 4: How Should We View Counsel?

    Apr. 9Biblereading:Jeremiah22-24Song184

    SpeechQuality: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Extemporaneous Delivery (be p. 175 ¶5–p. 177 ¶1)

    No. 1: The Speaker’s Decisions (be p. 54 ¶2-4; p. 55, box)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 23:1-14

    No. 3: Why Sharing in the Ministry Brings Us Joy

    No. 4: Who and What Will Be Destroyed at Armageddon? (rs p. 46 ¶4–p. 47 ¶2)

    Apr. 16Biblereading:Jeremiah25-28Song 27

    SpeechQuality: When Others Demand an Explanation (be p. 177 ¶2–p. 178 ¶2)

    No. 1: Develop Ability as a Teacher (be p. 56 ¶1–p. 57 ¶2)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 26:1-15

    No. 3: Who Will Survive Armageddon? (rs p. 47 ¶3-8)

    No. 4: In What Way Was the Ground Cursed? (Gen. 3:17)

    Apr. 23Biblereading:Jeremiah29-31Song148

    SpeechQuality: Conversational Manner (be pp. 179-80)

    No. 1: "Make a Distinction" (be p. 57 ¶3–p. 58 ¶2)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 31:1-14

    No. 3: Why Is Jehovah’s Greatness Without Limits?

    No. 4: Armageddon—No Violation of God’s Love (rs p. 48 ¶1-3)

    Apr. 30Biblereading:Jeremiah32-34Song100

    SpeechQuality: Voice Quality (be p. 181 ¶1-4)


    May 7Biblereading:Jeremiah35-38Song165

    SpeechQuality: Properly Controlling Your Air Supply (be p. 181 ¶5–p. 184 ¶1; p. 182, box)

    No. 1: Encourage Listeners to Think (be p. 58 ¶3–p. 59 ¶3)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 36:1-13

    No. 3: No Neutral Position Possible at Armageddon (rs p. 48 ¶4-7)

    No. 4: How Can Christians Cope With Uncertainty?

    May 14Biblereading:Jeremiah39-43Song 56

    SpeechQuality: Relaxing Tense Muscles (be p. 184 ¶2–p. 185 ¶3; p. 184, box)

    No. 1: Provide Application, and Set a Good Example (be p. 60 ¶1–p. 61 ¶3)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 39:1-14

    No. 3: Whose Influence Is Pushing Nations Toward the Armageddon Situation? (rs p. 48 ¶8–p. 49 ¶1)

    No. 4: Why True Christians Pursue a Chaste Courtship

    May 21Biblereading:Jeremiah44-48Song122

    SpeechQuality: Interest Shown in the Other Person (be p. 186 ¶1-4)

    No. 1: How to Improve Conversation Skills (be p. 62 ¶1–p. 64 ¶1)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 46:1-17

    No. 3: What Is Self-Deception, and How Can We Guard Against It?

    No. 4: Identifying the Babylon of Revelation (rs p. 49 ¶2-3)

    May 28Biblereading:Jeremiah49-50Song 95

    SpeechQuality: Listening Attentively (be p. 187 ¶1-5)

    No. 1: How to Continue a Conversation (be p. 64 ¶2–p. 65 ¶4)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 49:14-27

    No. 3: For What Was Ancient Babylon Noted? (rs p. 50 ¶1–p. 51 ¶5)

    No. 4: Why Parents Should Read to Their Children

    June 4Biblereading:Jeremiah51-52Song166

    SpeechQuality: Helping Others to Progress (be p. 187 ¶6–p. 188 ¶3)

    No. 1: Jeremiah—Why Beneficial (si p. 129 ¶36-9)

    No. 2: Jeremiah 52:1-16

    No. 3: Seeking Independence From God Is Foolish

    No. 4: Why Professed Christian Religions Are Part of Babylon the Great (rs p. 52 ¶1–p. 53 ¶1)

    June 11Biblereading:Lamentations1-2Song129

    SpeechQuality: Giving Practical Assistance (be p. 188 ¶4–p. 189 ¶4)

    No. 1: Introduction to Lamentations (si pp. 130-1 ¶1-7)

    No. 2: Lamentations 2:1-10

    No. 3: Why It Is Urgent to Get Out of Babylon the Great (rs p. 53 ¶2-7)

    No. 4: Why True Kindness Is Not Weakness

    June 18Biblereading:Lamentations3-5Song140

    SpeechQuality: Respect Shown to Others (be p. 190 ¶1-4)

    No. 1: Lamentations—Why Beneficial (si p. 132 ¶13-15)

    No. 2: Lamentations 4:1-13

    No. 3: What Baptism Is, and Why Believers Get Baptized (rs p. 54 ¶1-4)

    No. 4: Why True Christians Do Not Engage in Politics

    June 25Biblereading:Ezekiel1-5Song 1

    SpeechQuality: Respectful Acknowledgment (be p. 191 ¶1–p. 192 ¶1)


    July 2Biblereading:Ezekiel6-10Song 26

    SpeechQuality: Respectful Delivery (be p. 192 ¶2–p. 193 ¶2)

    No. 1: Introduction to Ezekiel (si pp. 132-3 ¶1-6)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 7:1-13

    No. 3: What It Takes to Draw Close to Jehovah (Jas. 4:8)

    No. 4: Christian Baptism, Not by Sprinkling, Not for Infants (rs p. 54 ¶5–p. 55 ¶4)

    July 9Biblereading:Ezekiel11-14Song112

    SpeechQuality: Expressed With Conviction (be p. 194 ¶1–p. 195 ¶2)

    No. 1: Do Not Give Up in Doing What Is Fine (w05 6/1 pp. 29-30)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 11:1-13

    No. 3: Does Water Baptism Wash Away Sins? (rs p. 55 ¶5–p. 56 ¶1)

    No. 4: How Are We to Understand Revelation 17:9-11?

    July 16Biblereading:Ezekiel15-17Song 29

    SpeechQuality: How Conviction Is Manifested (be p. 195 ¶3–p. 196 ¶4)

    No. 1: Resist Wrong Thinking! (w05 9/15 pp. 26-8)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 16:1-13

    No. 3: What It Means to Be Shrewd (Prov. 13:16)

    No. 4: Who Is Baptized With Holy Spirit? (rs p. 56 ¶2–p. 57 ¶3)

    July 23Biblereading:Ezekiel18-20Song193

    SpeechQuality: Tactful yet Firm (be p. 197 ¶1-3)

    No. 1: Discerning the Questioner’s Viewpoint (be p. 66 ¶1–p. 68 ¶1)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 18:19-29

    No. 3: Baptism by Fire Not Same as by Holy Spirit (rs p. 57 ¶4–p. 58 ¶2)

    No. 4: Evidence That God’s Kingdom Is a Reality

    July 30Biblereading:Ezekiel21-23Song 35

    SpeechQuality: Tactful When Witnessing (be p. 197 ¶4–p. 198 ¶5)

    No. 1: Know How You Ought to Answer (be p. 68 ¶2–p. 70 ¶3)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 23:1-17

    No. 3: Reasons for Considering the Bible (rs p. 58 ¶3–p. 60 ¶2)

    No. 4: What Is the Proper View of Greatness?

    Aug. 6Biblereading:Ezekiel24-27Song 37

    SpeechQuality: The Right Words at the Right Time (be p. 199 ¶1-4)

    No. 1: Communicating Through Letters (be pp. 71-3)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 24:1-14

    No. 3: In What Ways Was Moses an Excellent Example for Christians?

    No. 4: Proof From Isaiah and Jeremiah of the Bible’s Inspiration (rs p. 60 ¶3–p. 61 ¶3)

    Aug. 13Biblereading:Ezekiel28-31Song123

    SpeechQuality: Using Tact With Family and Others (be p. 200 ¶1-4)

    No. 1: Be Progressive—Make Advancement (be p. 74 ¶1–p. 75 ¶3)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 28:1-16

    No. 3: Fulfillment of Jesus’ Prophecies Proves Bible’s Inspiration (rs p. 61 ¶4–p. 62 ¶1)

    No. 4: What Is Meant by "Hate" in the Scriptures?

    Aug. 20Biblereading:Ezekiel32-34Song215

    SpeechQuality: Upbuilding and Positive (be p. 202 ¶1–p. 203 ¶2)

    No. 1: Use Your Gift (be p. 75 ¶4–p. 77 ¶2)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 34:1-14

    No. 3: How Does God’s Spirit Help Us?

    No. 4: The Bible Is Scientifically Sound (rs p. 62 ¶2–p. 64 ¶3)

    Aug. 27Biblereading:Ezekiel35-38Song 94

    SpeechQuality: Keeping the Tone Positive (be p. 203 ¶3–p. 204 ¶1)


    Sept. 3Biblereading:Ezekiel39-41Song194

    SpeechQuality: When Conversing With Fellow Believers (be p. 204 ¶2–p. 205 ¶4)

    No. 1: Why Be Fond of God’s Word? (w05 4/15 pp. 15-16 ¶3-6)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 40:1-15

    No. 3: Can Humans Really Make God Rejoice?

    No. 4: Responding to Objections About the Bible (rs p. 64 ¶4–p. 68 ¶1)

    Sept. 10Biblereading:Ezekiel42-45Song 77

    SpeechQuality: Repetition for Emphasis (be p. 206 ¶1-4)

    No. 1: When Old Age Becomes "a Crown of Beauty" (w05 1/15 pp. 8-9)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 43:1-12

    No. 3: Why Christians Do Not Celebrate Birthdays (rs p. 68 ¶2–p. 70 ¶2)

    No. 4: How Can We Recognize "the Voice of Strangers"? (John 10:5)

    Sept. 17Biblereading:Ezekiel46-48Song164

    SpeechQuality: Repetition in the Field Ministry and in Talks (be p. 207 ¶1–p. 208 ¶4)

    No. 1: Ezekiel—Why Beneficial (si p. 137 ¶29-33)

    No. 2: Ezekiel 47:1-14

    No. 3: Why Do Christians Abstain From Blood? (rs p. 70 ¶3–p. 72 ¶3)

    No. 4: Why a Rich Spiritual Heritage Is the Best Gift Parents Can Give Their Children

    Sept. 24Biblereading:Daniel1-3Song179

    SpeechQuality: Theme Developed (be p. 209 ¶1-3)

    No. 1: Introduction to Daniel (si pp. 138-9 ¶1-6)

    No. 2: Daniel 2:1-16

    No. 3: Why the Number 144,000 Is Taken Literally (Rev. 7:4)

    No. 4: Why True Christians Do Not Accept Blood Transfusions (rs p. 72 ¶4–p. 73 ¶4)

    Oct. 1Biblereading:Daniel4-6Song 14

    SpeechQuality: Using an Appropriate Theme (be p. 210 ¶1–p. 211 ¶1; p. 211, box)

    No. 1: When Is There a Basis for Taking Offense? (w05 8/1 pp. 13-15)

    No. 2: Daniel 4:1-17

    No. 3: How Can We Imitate Mephibosheth’s Fine Qualities?

    No. 4: Responding to Assertions About Blood Transfusions (rs p. 74 ¶1–p. 76 ¶2)

    Oct. 8Biblereading:Daniel7-9Song 34

    SpeechQuality: Main Points Made to Stand Out (be p. 212 ¶1–p. 213 ¶1)

    No. 1: Let Jehovah’s "Saying" Safeguard You (w05 9/1 pp. 28-31)

    No. 2: Daniel 7:1-12

    No. 3: What Does It Mean to Be Born Again? (rs p. 76 ¶3–p. 77 ¶7)

    No. 4: What Special Joys Come From Sharing Regularly in the Field Ministry?

    Oct. 15Biblereading:Daniel10-12Song210

    SpeechQuality: Not Too Many Main Points (be p. 213 ¶2–p. 214 ¶5)

    No. 1: Daniel—Why Beneficial (si pp. 141-2 ¶19-23)

    No. 2: Daniel 11:1-14

    No. 3: How Humility Can Help Us to Overcome Misunderstandings

    No. 4: Salvation Not Dependent on Being Born Again (rs p. 77 ¶8–p. 79 ¶1)

    Oct. 22Biblereading:Hosea1-7Song 66

    SpeechQuality: Interest-Arousing Introduction (be p. 215 ¶1–p. 216 ¶5)

    No. 1: Introduction to Hosea and Why Beneficial (si pp. 143-5 ¶1-8, 14-17)

    No. 2: Hosea 5:1-15

    No. 3: Responding to Viewpoints About Being Born Again (rs p. 79 ¶3–p. 80 ¶2)

    No. 4: Ways in Which True Christians Display Patience

    Oct. 29Biblereading:Hosea8-14Song 59

    SpeechQuality: Getting People’s Attention in the Field Service (be p. 217 ¶1-4)


    Nov. 5Biblereading:Joel1-3Song166

    SpeechQuality: Identifying Your Subject in the Introduction (be p. 217 ¶5–p. 219 ¶3)

    No. 1: Introduction to Joel and Why Beneficial (si pp. 146-8 ¶1-5, 12-14)

    No. 2: Joel 2:1-14

    No. 3: What It Means to Have "Perfect Love" (1 John 4:18)

    No. 4: Confessing to Priests—Why Unscriptural? (rs p. 80 ¶3–p. 81 ¶9)

    Nov. 12Biblereading:Amos1-9Song211

    SpeechQuality: Effective Conclusions (be p. 220 ¶1-3)

    No. 1: Introduction to Amos and Why Beneficial (si pp. 148-50 ¶1-6, 13-17)

    No. 2: Amos 2:1-16

    No. 3: Why Experience Is Not the Best Teacher

    No. 4: Confessing Sins Against God and Man (rs p. 83 ¶2-8)

    Nov. 19Biblereading:Obadiah 1–Jonah4Song220

    SpeechQuality: Points to Keep in Mind (be p. 220 ¶4–p. 221 ¶4)

    No. 1: Introduction to Obadiah and Jonah and Why Beneficial (si pp. 151-3 ¶1-5, 10-14; pp. 153-5 ¶1-4, 9-12)

    No. 2: Jonah 1:1-17

    No. 3: Why a Spiritual Paradise Must Precede the Earthly Paradise

    No. 4: Why Should Serious Sins Be Confessed to Elders? (rs p. 83 ¶9–p. 84 ¶4)

    Nov. 26Biblereading:Micah1-7Song 18

    SpeechQuality: In the Field Ministry (be p. 221 ¶5–p. 222 ¶6)

    No. 1: Introduction to Micah and Why Beneficial (si pp. 155-8 ¶1-8, 16-19)

    No. 2: Micah 2:1-13

    No. 3: What It Means to Be Mild-Tempered

    No. 4: Why It Is Reasonable to Believe in Creation (rs p. 84 ¶5–p. 86 ¶2)

    Dec. 3Biblereading:Nahum1–Habakkuk3Song137

    SpeechQuality: Accuracy of Statement (be p. 223 ¶1-5)

    No. 1: Introduction to Nahum and Habakkuk and Why Beneficial (si pp. 158-60 ¶1-7, 11-12; pp. 161-3 ¶1-5, 12-14)

    No. 2: Habakkuk 1:1-17

    No. 3: Understanding the Bible’s Account of Creation (rs p. 86 ¶3–p. 88 ¶4)

    No. 4: Why Everlasting Life Will Not Be Boring

    Dec. 10Biblereading:Zephaniah1–Haggai2Song 78

    SpeechQuality: "Holding Firmly to the Faithful Word" (be p. 224 ¶1-4)

    No. 1: Introduction to Zephaniah and Haggai and Why Beneficial (si pp. 163-6 ¶1-6, 10-12; pp. 166-8 ¶1-7, 13-16)

    No. 2: Zephaniah 3:1-17

    No. 3: Why Is Veneration of the Cross Unscriptural? (rs p. 92 ¶1–p. 93 ¶1)

    No. 4: How Does Spirituality Affect a Marriage?

    Dec. 17Biblereading:Zechariah1-8Song209

    SpeechQuality: Checking the Accuracy of Information (be p. 225 ¶1-3)

    No. 1: Introduction to Zechariah (si pp. 168-9 ¶1-7)

    No. 2: Zechariah 7:1-14

    No. 3: How Has the Transfiguration Vision Been Fulfilled?

    No. 4: Were the Ages of People Before the Flood Measured by the Same Years That We Use? (rs p. 94 ¶4–p. 95 ¶1)

    Dec. 24Biblereading:Zechariah9-14Song202

    SpeechQuality: Understandable to Others (be p. 226 ¶1–p. 227 ¶1)

    No. 1: Zechariah—Why Beneficial and Introduction to Malachi and Why Beneficial (si pp. 171-2 ¶23-7; pp. 172-5 ¶1-6, 13-17)

    No. 2: Zechariah 10:1-12

    No. 3: Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Say That God’s Kingdom Was Established in 1914? (rs p. 95 ¶2–p. 97 ¶2)

    No. 4: How Can We Prepare for Persecution?

    Dec. 31Biblereading:Malachi1-4Song118

    SpeechQuality: Explaining Unfamiliar Terms (be p. 227 ¶2–p. 228 ¶1)


  • stillajwexelder

    This forum is not the place for placing large quantities of copywrite materail - but if there is anything in particular anybody wants please let me know

  • Leolaia

    If you run your Spyware program, I'm curious if it finds anything questionable installed by the CDROM. A gig is a lot of space!

  • stillajwexelder

    my spyware progema runs in background - so far nothing starnge. BTW I also have full Norton and it has not shown anything

  • VM44

    Do you have a fast internet connection for uploading files?


  • 5go

    Seriously don't think anything they would put in it would be picked up by spyware filters or virus scanners. Check your processes. If you have xp it's push ctrl+alt+del click the process tab. It won't reboot your computer unless you click on the tab to do so. I wouldn't know what to tell you to look for though in the processes.

  • MeneMene

    Does the CD have just publications from 2006 or does it include all the publications for the last several years?

    I was curious about the Awake publication numbers since they went to 1 per month. Like for instance, compare the number printed the last couple issues of 2005 when there were 2 per month and then the numbers for the first ones in 2006 after the change.


  • stillajwexelder

    Yes I have a fast internet connection

    Yes it has all previous publications in addition to all 2006. Also has all tracts on and all Kingdom News. To me this is an enhanced product

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