couldn't find a man in the org.....too educated

by lostyettobefound 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • LeslieV

    Give your dad a kiss and hug from me. I left the JW religion because I have three daughters and wanted them educated. Their elder father forbade me to do the paperwork for admittance in the University's of their I packed and left. Thank God there are still men in this world like your dad.


  • LongHairGal


    Good for you. I know what you mean that there were no men your equal and I don't just mean on an educational level. I mean just on a plain mental level. I wasn't even as educated as you were and I felt the available men were not suitable. All the good men were taken. They either came in educated and married or they were too young. Any woman over 30 with a brain has to look outside. They are afraid of you if you make intelligent comments that show you have some know how that is gotten elsewhere. They are against college education not because it is bad for you but because it is bad for THEM. They simply do not want educated people around. They are intimidated by them because they are not as gullible or controllable. I had an elder once tell me that college educated brothers have a problem accepting counsel. So, they would rather see people condemned to poverty who are ignorant and can be led around by the nose, rather than an educated person who has self-respect and isn't standing in a hole.

    Let me tell you, this is a bad place for anybody to bring a child (especially a girl) and I would never bring a child there. A child's self-esteem and self-respect is too precious to be destroyed by this horrible cult-like religion.


  • Atpeaceatlast

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I don't consider myself thoroughly educated (I went to secretarial school back in '85 and the elders wanted me to quick even that!), but I know when the single so-called available brothers were insulting my intelligence, and I didn't take their crap! I am grateful (for the millionth time) that I am out of that religion. I guess I had to go through the experience so my daughter will never set foot into a KH. She will definitely be educated and away from the Watchtower's clutches!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome, LYTBF

    I am thrilled at your results. It gives me hope. My wife and I have been JW's, her since childhood.
    Against the better judgement of the WTS, I allowed her to pursue her educational goals as an adult,
    something her parents discouraged. She now has a master's degree. I hope she wakes up to the
    WTS misleadings one day. You show that it can happen.

    Tell your father what a great open-minded person he always was, and how happy you are that he
    escaped that stuff along with you.

  • serendipity

    Hi lost & welcome!

    You were fortunate your father took a stand!

    When I was a teenager, I started getting told the JW boys were intimidated by my intelligence. My father took me aside and asked me if I was showing off in conversation and warned me about making the boys feel dumb. He said, "You don't have to act dumb, but you don't have to tell all you know either."

    I went on to college anyway, despite knowing I'd be limiting my chances at marriage to a JW. And I was still single when I left 20 years later.
    I'm still single now, but at least I have some choices.

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