Lately my family member that is still undecided about staying out or going back keeps mentioning this big push that the JWs keep emphasising that "we are really really really near the end. This is the very very very end. we are deep deep deep into the end." (insert JW emphasis)
(Fortunately, my family member is questioning this.)
Most times I say very little and just respect this individuals own process. Other times I laugh or insert my own glib comment.
Has anyone else heard of a recent push toward the "very very very end"?
It can sure be irritating to see such fear-mongering tactics being employed on my family member(s).
Have you noticed?
by SPAZnik 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Brother Apostate
Everytime a new publication is relesed, it seems the "end is now very, very near".
It's the voluntary Alzheimers of being a Dub that makes them forget or belittle the memory of the other "end is now very, very near", and the one before that, and the one before that.........................................
“No one knows, however, when that day and hour will come-neither the angels in heaven not the Son, the Father alone knows. The coming of the Son of Man will be like what happened in the time of Noah. In the days before the flood people ate and drank, men and women married, up to the very day Noah went into the boat; yet they did not realize what was happening until the flood came and swept them all away. That is how it will be when the Son of Man comes. At that time two men will be working in a field: one will be left behind. Two women will be at a mill grinding meal: one will be left behind. Watch out, then, because you do not know what day your Lord will come. If the owner of a house knew the time when the thief would come, you can be sure that he would say awake and not let the thief break into his house. So then, you also must always be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him.”
Matthew 24:36-44
They have been doing this quite a lot in recent years to keep their demoralised members motivated after they admitted that the 1914 generation is symbolic with the implication that it can be infinitely long eg it can go on for centuries. They will probably do some more alchemies to set another end of times date in the near future some people were talking about 2034 as a possible date, 120 years after 1914.
Handsome Dan
Fear mongering has been their marketing profile for which they have been using since inception, its an deceptive tactic that they use to to put a stronghold on peoples minds and try
and control them and it also helps to spur sales of course. Marketing bull shit with support of the holly book has been their strategy tool for decades and will remain so. Putting fear
in to peoples minds helps to keep the body of jws on their toes in an effort to push service work and strengthen circulation of publications. It also brings power to the men at the top of the
organization, not too surprising.
If fear can bring power and money in to men's hands............Oh baby watch out !
Handsome Dan - quite the gimmick hey. turn the same fear tactics of any unethical ad campaign into a Divine message. funny how obvious it is from the outside, hey. I mean, the thrust of their campaign from the outset was "advertise, advertise, advertise" for christ's sake. LOL It's subtle too if not paying attention hey.
The kind of genocide that JW's advocate makes Stalin, Hitler, Amin and the others pale in comparison. They advocate wiping out 99% of the world's population. Despite the ebbs and tides in their enthusiasm over the years, their message is unmistakable. The good news is that everyone else but JW's will be wiped out.
r's hubby
Handsome Dan
Spaz....... it might be that I've been out for 30 yrs. that I can stand back and look at things with a clear and open perceptive. I was born and raised a jw and left when I was twenty, so its
easier for myself based on that maybe. The WTS. are in a information warfare right now, particularly with the inter-net regarding their religion, it's exposing them as not really the one and
only true religion as they have stated so many times. There is an overwhelming amount of bad press on the net as you are awhere of individual tragedies from people that were involed with the
religion and there is also the truth telling thats happening regarding the people who started and structured the religion such as C.T. Russell and Da Judge Rutherford. So you might say they
are in front a huge brick wall and that wall seems to be getting bigger and bigger every day. When they recently stated for example all false religions are about to collapse down, you know
that they have lost rational thinking or are delusional on their on ideologies, it becons the question is this mental illness or what. Personally I find it disturbing because I still have family in the
org., so I'm kind of worried about their mental state of health.
Handsome Dan
Spaz......also tell your friend that the WTS. is the National Enquirer of religions and that all that is printed on the cover of magazines is not all ways true, he'll get the point.
there was a big 'push' last parents were all mysterious like about it,so out of morbid curiousity and sheer boredom,i went to the 'special meeting' that they had..the special message was something like,'you are all doing great!!!keep up the publishing effort!!!the end is veerry veerry near"....same old crap ive been hearing since christ was in second grade..nothing new going on there...seems like eventualy they would figure it out,like a pyramid scheme,or a slick card trick.but ,no,they all keep acting like its big news and its the first time they are hearing it..such a yawn....