I started reading this thread thinking I would post my experiences with JW's and how some really believed and behaved.
But the more I read the more I saw so many similar experiences. No matter it seems were in the world we are.
Their behaviour is so similar worldwide.
Yet they probably think they are the only ones doing it. The brother who cheats on his field service hours. The sister who is secretly taking Valium/Prozac. Or he brother/sister who is an alcoholic yet thinks they are the only one in the congregation. Because Elders never let on that others are having the same problems.
I know of JW brothers who were real tearaways when young. If their parents ever knew some of the thing they got up to!
Brothers who couldn't give a damn about the preaching work, do a couple of doors disappear somewhere. Yet report 10,15, 20 hours a month.
Magazines weren't "placed" they were just pushed through the door. Now they are Elders! Because they knew the right people.
When the Circuit Overseer visited - how good our congregation was, an example to all.
Little did he know, that the Elders were keeping the lid on the congregation can of worms.