Shirley F. was a sweetie before my mom got her involved with the JWs and she is just as sweet today. The only JW who greeted me like a friend since I left. She gave me a big hug in front of her JW Elder husband (who is a jerk)
While I was a youth, I had a lot of fun with the other kids on our Sat night WT study-till spring of 1980 when after an elder was quite forthcoming about the 1975 article and his experiences, it was abruptly ended. Wonder who narked on him? We had fun for a year or so with that, skating or bowling on Sun nights.
I always felt pride (ewww) when I aced the quizzes they had every few months. I am very positive about the fact that I learned a lot about rifleing through the Bible-as in, I could find scriptures easily for later when I really started in depth study using concordances and finding cross references when studying on certain subjects or researching how words were used. . .Never learned about context in my WT studies, but I had a general sense of how it was laid out. Esther M. was an awesome old lady. A real character who was a tough old broad. I loved her. I am sure she is gone now, but I adored her.