I tried smoking when I was a teenager. I didn't like it, so I didn't start. After finishing college in my late thirties and becoming a nurse. I noticed that a lot of the nurses smoked and the patients as well. It just astonished me that patients near death would for go eating to have a cigarette. I got to wondering what's with that? I even had a patient that was 80 years old that wouldn't give up her cigarettes. I thought "hell she's old enough to do what she wants". I had a paralyzed patient that wanted his cigarettes. His wife would hold the cigarette for him.
So, at the age of 44 (around there), I started smoking. The cigarette did calm my nerves. I started out with Misty Lights. The darn thing didn't even choke me. That was the beginning of my smoking. My husband didn't mind because he had been smoking every since he went to Viet Nam, every since we've been married; 'cept he quit for a year because he was thinking about becoming a witness.
My girls asked me "Mom what would you do if we started smoking?" I told them that if they wanted to start smoking at the age of 43 that it would be fine with me.
I have a paralyzed vocal cord due to a botched thyroid surgery. Only one moves. I had to have a trachestomy for about 6 months because both cords were initially paralyzed. I still smoked it was weird seeing the smoke coming out the trach. I'm sure that everyone thought that I had the trach due to laryngeal cancer. I just thought "whatever". It helped my nerves. I thought that I was going to have the trach for life. Thank goodness that one cord recovered!
I continue to smoke. I don't think that I'm going to die from smoking. I think that it'll be something else that gets me.
I hate that picture!