the bible is inspired because the bible says it is inspired
the watchtower society has the truth because the watchtower society says it has the truth
by DIM 14 Replies latest jw friends
the bible is inspired because the bible says it is inspired
the watchtower society has the truth because the watchtower society says it has the truth
I say I am Supreme Being , all wise, all knowing, therefore I am. Gee, I LIKE this type of logic.
Actually, the bible isnt inspired...
Scripture was written down by men inspired of God. The bible isnt all scripture. Read the opening verses of Luke to see who was inspired by whom to write that particular book, and its purpose. The bible verse that says "all scripture in inspired of God..." isnt scripture.
Scriptures testify to the one who has the truth (and it sure isnt any Watchtower), John 5:39-40
Also, John 1:1, John 1:14, Revelation 19:13 tell us the bible isnt the Word of God...
right, logi.
also, Wt says they're the lightbearers....which means they're deluded.
"I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt
Actually, to the best of my knowledge no single book in the bible claims the title "scripture" or calls itself "inspired". Therefore, the bible doesn't claim to be inspired or scripture. That determination was made by the CHURCH as led by the Spirit (so we hope). That later in history people began to meddle with that original determination and remove several books from the bible is tragic but was predictable. The bible is not the END all and BE all of God's revelation, but rather the entire deposit of faith, of which scripture is only a part, and which was used to declare which writings were inspired and scripture (all scripture is inspired, but not all inspired books are scripture).
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]
i don't think you've ever read 1st Timothy then. All Scripture is Inspired....hell, there's even a book by the WTS called that.
You're right, the Bible self-proclaimed inspiration does not extricate it from the rest of the phony religious books that have been circulated throughout the ages.
However, I think a distinguished indicia of the bible may be its prophetic nature. No man of his own originality can foretell future events in explicit detail, especially regarding national affairs over which he has no control, centuries after his death. Now if the Bible books such as Daniel and Isaiah were written when some scholars say they were written, this would inevitably be substantial evidence against Bible critics, since they'd be unable to repudiate the accuracy of its fulfillment.
>That determination was made by the CHURCH as led by the Spirit (so we hope).<
So we hope? Yikes a belief system based on something that unsure? Sorry until someone can show absolute proof that they or what they wrote or what they decided to include in the Bible is inspired you can count me out! lol but I am sure my exlusion isn't going to hurt anyone's feelings
The examples you gave of circular logic (using the conclusion to support the premise(s) and vice-versa) are so obvious that even someone obvlious to formal logic can see them for what they are.
It's the more subtle types of circular logic that entrap the unwary.
Here's a simple example:
"The Bible is the Word of God."
"How do you know the Bible is the Word of God?"
"Because God directed the writing of the Bible and we all know that God cannot possibly lie."
"How can you be sure that God cannot possibly lie?"
"Because he made that quite clear in his Holy Word."
This is the stuff that dubs say every day of the week. Unfortunately, they are clueless and parrot this gibberish as if it is significant.
"When in doubt, duck!"