I once heard that when you first get married, you should take a jar and put a penny it in each time you have sex your first year. Then after the first year, take a penny out for each time you have sex, and that jar would never go empty. Basically, the sex gets old and you never do it much after the first year. Who does this? Personally, my spouse and I enjoy sex often and never got bored with it past the first year and yet often I learn of people who do fit this.
A man I set next too at work got married young and is now only 23. He has this girl who comes by and visits with him all the time and people tease him, as he is a married man. I spoke to him today and asked him what he was thinking. He said it was all innocent and nothing to worry about, but I just got the feeling that is what he wanted people to think. So I went in to the discussion more and learned his wife was not in too sex and in fact they had not had sex in two months. Not that they were cheating on each other, but she just did not like it and wanted to just go to sleep. Another person sitting near by, overheard us talking and mentioned how him and his wife hardly ever had sex and joked with this guy that he should get used too it, as that is marriage.
So am I am some minority here, in that I actually have had and still have an extremely active sex life with my spouse? As it seems like it. I personally think a sexless marriage would be enough to bore me in to looking elsewhere for sex. Not that life is all about sex, but if you love someone and find them attractive, why would you not want sex with them? I expect this young guy to cheat on his wife at any time, innocent as he might think it is, he wants sex and it will lead him away. So, do you think withholding sex out of a relationship is something that will lead to the end of the relationship? or just something you have to accept?