I was talking to a friend I was at bethel with and he mentioned something I had forgotten (for the sake of my sanity.) We were there during the 90s and that was the transition of hair styles for black men, it was going from the fade to the baldy. Now bethel would cut your hair, you just had to wait four weeks between cuts. And when it was time for your cut, you couldn't request a fade. You would say to the barber give me a fade, than the guy (or girl) would say 'do you mean a taper'. Due to their rigid need to be no part of the world you couldn't call a haircut a fade it had to be a taper.
And once you got this taper what did it look like...a fade, kinda. Than you had the barbers who would G-job and cut your hair after hours. Here is what killed me about these guys. You would think they would charge a fair rate for someone who gets $90 bucks a month. These guys would charge $10. Ten freeking dollars is more than one tenth of my $90 allowance. As a matter of fact I pay ten bucks for a hair cut right now in 2007, and these ya-hoo's more than a decade ago were charging full rate. Here is the other side of the boot. The conditioning was so strong that even when you shelled out $10, you still did not get the true fade you were use to, just the 'taper' version.
So needless to say with the once a month cuts and brothers (meaning black guys) not wanting to look like an extra from 'good times' thus began the rise of the bald look. Jordan had already started fashion down this path, Bethelites were just catching up. They really hated to see all the black guys with the bald look, cause it was looking more like the nation of Islam than JW's. Thing is they really couldn't counsel the 'brothers' for rocking the bald look or as some of us refered to it the 'henschel'.
On top of all this the other fashion trend that took flight while I was at Bethel was 'brothers' wearing the bow tie. Like I said you had the bald look and now bow ties on all the 'brothers' at bethel. Once again they really couldn't say nothing because abrahamson (a bethel heavy) always wore a bow tie. Yes fashion and ethnicity at bethel nothing like it.