Let's see if I got this right:: "Jehovahs' blessing has been seen on the arrangement & the circulation of AWAKE continues to INCREASE." Pre 2006,That is say in 2005 monthly printing 45,684,000,today monthly printing 34,412,000 or 11,272,000 less per month.Old watchtower 52,878,000, NEW watchtower 52,878,000-26,439,000 PLUS 6.5 million for study edition equals total printing of 32,935,000 or 19,943,000 less watchtowers.When you add the watchtower and awake they, the GB/FBS will be printing on average 374,216,000 mags a year less.Oh ,yes GOD is speeding up the work.The advantages of this change will quickly be evident.
I guess all people don't need this BIBLE BASED information.People don't need to know bible based publication that have terms such as PIONEER.This bible based information is only for select people who the GB/FBS can read their hearts and called by a special name.