What's your favortie drink?

by IronClaw 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth453

    Scotch, water back, ice in the freezer.

  • RAF

    When I'm going out Pïna colada ... (because of its taste)

  • luna2

    Frozen Lynchburg Lemonade or a Long Island Iced Tea

  • misanthropic

    Favorite mixed drink - Strawberry frozen Margarita
    Favorite Wine - Ruffino Chianti or a nice Merlot
    Favorite Beer - Arrogant Bastard Ale or Dos Equis Lager

  • Outaservice

    Jack Daniels mixed with Root Beer!


  • JH

    Orange juice with my breakfast

    Coke with my lunch and dinner and dessert

    Beer in the evening once or twice a week

    Thats it !!!

  • greendawn

    I should add I love any kind of freshly squeezed or pressed fruit juices they are much better than the long life equivalents in the shops. Soft drinks (sodas in USA) I don't like at all they are water and sugar mainly. For beers I like the original Budvar from the Czech republic, for wines good chardonays.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    water morning and evening, tea all day long (I should probably reverse that though, would be healthier)


  • Jourles

    This is easy - no hesitation here...

    Mixed drink --- Mojito. I prefer to make my own from scratch rather than have one served to me.(I typically use organic ingredients whenever possible)

    Wine --- Hmmm. Depends on the mood and situation. If I'm drinking one on its own, a pinot noir or a late harvest riesling. Michigan is primarily a riesling hotbed due to the temps and location. Anything else grown here just doesn't quite have the potential to match up with other states/countries. The reds here suck. No long periods of warmth.

    Beer --- When I've got a little extra change in my pocket, I splurge on a Chimay Grande Reserve(Blue). Otherwise, if I travel to a state which sells New Belgium Brewery's beers, I will try to load up on a case or two of 1554, Fat Tire, Trippel, and Abbey.

    Hard Liquor --- I just love Bushmill's 10. It has a sort of almond and toffee flavor combo that I get semi-orgasmic over.

  • Carmel

    20 oz decaf moca! caveman

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