Flirted for awhile..making it official today!

by uuus2b1 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Don't know how I missed this thread uuus2b1.

    Please accept my belated welcome.


  • found-my-way
    found-my-way time out of the org gave me some doubts, especially when it came to experiences I had with in dealing with individual personalities, (elders, POs etc) but not enough to make me doubt that it was "god's organization". My roots were deep...I was one of the most well known brothers in the islands. I gave talks in all the islands, St. Thomas, St. Croix, British Virgin islands... even at conventions in Puerto Rico where it seemed as if every other person you met were JWs. I could even make a baptismal talk fun to listen to! Everyone looked foward to hearing my talks because most talks at the time were so boring...(Please do not think I am just braggin here, this is the truth) ... I interjected jokes and anecdotes and experiences that always made people think and or have them in stiches.Whenever the brothers knew that I was scheduled to give a talk they would be sure to bring their bible studies to the hall. I did that for years until I had to step down because of "family issues".

    Used to B one,

    A big warm Welcome to JWD from one addicted sister to a jwd brother.

    Your post reminds me of my best friend's experience who is also an and him I think have quite a bit in sound like a wonderful person.

    Looking forward to reading more of your experiences.


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