In my own lifetime I've observed how the nature of public figures becomes the public domain's possession to enhance and distort at will.
John F.Kennedy and Ronald Reagan are two public figures whose "legacy" has been shaped by the way in which they've been contextualized by ideologues who wish to use them to prove political points.
Highly visible personages are most useful as icons for the politically savvy promoter. Truth becomes moot.
What do we know about such characters as Wyatt Earp, George Armstrong Custer or Mother Theresa which hasn't been bent and shaped into iconography?
The actual person is lost in the storytelling and the viewpoint of whatever latest version is told.
I'd challenge each person reading my words to think about stories within their very own family told about some Uncle or famous relative. Then, do actual research online into who/what that person was. Invariably the story will be debunked.
I've witnessed this on more occasions in various families than I could recount to you. War heros turn out to be liars, famous leader become also-rans and one is left wondering if everything we've ever been told isn't colored by a lie.
Fact checking is a sobering pursuit!
Jackie Kennedy and Princess Diana have been sainted. Any investigation of their private lives quickly disabuses any claims to such hyperbole.
Mother Theresa herself is quite a discovery. I invite you to do a bit of digging on what she was actually like in real life.