JW kids with Bebo & other such accounts. Its scandelous!

by jambon1 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    For those who dont know, Bebo is a kind of free web site thing that you can use to put lots of info about yourself, friends & pictures etc. I think its a bit like myspace or whatever its called.

    Anyway, I got asked to look at an individuals page and of course it had links etc to this persons friends. All were JW`s.

    If I were still a witness, the stuff that is put on these websites would have concerned me. The young JW`s seem to be very, very immoral. They had pics of drunkeness & stories & other comments which were extreemly 'inappropriate'.

    The funny thing is that most of these people were children of elders or those that came from other 'spriritual' families.

    What a joke! Can just imagine them answering up at the meetings with their little dresses and suits on, looking all nice and spiritual.

    Seperate, cleansed & set apart from the world? Pfffft! They are just the same as everyone else!

  • candidlynuts

    my jw teens have accounts and i encourage it. any normalcy they can find in their lives that will help them fit in is ok with me.

    what other choice do some have other than to live that double life?

  • jambon1

    my jw teens have accounts and i encourage it. any normalcy they can find in their lives that will help them fit in is ok with me.

    what other choice do some have other than to live that double life?

    Dont misunderstand me. I have no problem with the sites, as long as you are confident that they are OK. But from a JW viewpoint, the things that are posted there are quite shocking.

  • Tuesday

    I found an old friend through the bebo site. Yeah most of the folks from my old congregation are heavy drinkers it seems.

  • candidlynuts

    i agree, they are shocking.. worldly !

    i keep an eye on my teens accounts but dont really police them. i 've only said something once when a guy in his 20s was on my dd's friends list..she removed him.

  • mia_b

    who/what is dd candidlynuts? never come accross that abbrev b4

  • Lumptard

    Link plz...I want dirt!!!...LOL

  • candidlynuts

    dd is internet abbreviation for dear daughter... ds = dear son dh = dear husband etc..

  • StillGroggy

    I use myspace and it's a little bit of normalcy. Of course it's banned by the society in their little fucking additions to the bible they call "letters".

  • R6Laser

    Oh no, its kids acting like kids this is so scandelous! lol. Hate to dissapoint you but almost every jw teenager in the jw is either on myspace or other sites. Yes the WTS says to be careful of such sites, but like everything else it is not followed. The only people who I ever heard of following everything the WTS said to the most minute detail are posting here.

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