NP, I believe the 'eye witness' account after 2000 years and it is still with us in written word, take a few years here and there.......If you don't believe the 'eye witness' account, that is your prerogative.
Jesus film Slammed
by TopHat 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Things like this always end up in more ad hominem debates than acctual answers...
The people who believe the bible will say that scientists only want to make money off of it. Which has nothing to do with whether or not it's true.
And the people who believe the scientists will say that the people that reject it are simply determined to believe the Bible no matter what. Which once again has nothing to do with whether their claims are correct or not.
If you have nothing to debate other than the motives of the other side, maybe you're on the wrong side.
"Wasn't Dan Brown not so long ago trying to convince us that Mary Magdalene was buried in France?" He never claimed his book was anything but fiction.
Yes Tophat, and it is also Sammie Lee's choice, but you are urging him to believe something else!
I believe that humans have a need to believe - in something. Most of us need to believe in a life of some sort past this one - otherwise we question why we are here at all. Some of us simply see ourselves as in the here and now and as keepers of the earth - perhaps having more faith in that which can be seen rather than which we cannot not. Faith is to each of us what it needs to be.
Do I have blind faith? No. Do I choose to have a faith in something greater than I? Yes. Do I believe that Jesus existed? I do. Having said all of that I am not necessarily of the opinion that there was a virgin birth. Do I believe in men who are truly inspired to perform great works of humanity? Of course. Does this make them a God? No. It does however, give us a great leader to emulate and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
The bible was written over a very long period of time and has some important messages for all of us. It has provided us with some moral framework necessary to function in a healthy society. Given the history of the time, it would not bother me one bit if we were to find out that Jesus were in fact married and had children. It would not bother me at all to recognize that he was but a man, for if we follow the greatness of the man in a path of kindness, love and truth, then what does it matter wether we call him God or wether we call him Jesus? Interpretation of the bible has not led to unification of mankind because perhaps we have all fallen away from what Jesus taught and who he really was in our fight to assert ourselves as the one and only true follower. Politics made the bible as it is today, thus should we not examine all that was left out, as well as that which was put in? If the bible was 'inspired' but only those 'inspirations' chosen by the political/religious leaders of the time were included - why do we not read, understand, study and listen to all other inspirations? Should we believe then that all of those politicians were also inspired? Would they have been inspired by God or would they simply have been inspired by their own agenda?
Too many questions that will never be answered and I suppose never should be, for if all the mysteries were answered and Jesus were found to be just a man, I can only imagine those tortured, crushed souls screaming out for revenge at having been duped into chasing a breeze they can never see.
NP, who is urging who to believe as they do? I am only stating what I believe, from eye witness accounts. I also believe there is good and bad in all of us, no matter what one choses.
Have a nice day and sleep well
Tophat, thanks, I will. Sorry, I am a little argumentative today. You have a good day also :)
Sammie, You have said some very kind things about Jesus and that you believe he existed. However, the best proof we have of Jesus and what he said and did is in the Bible. As recorded in the Bible he said he was God. If we don't take him at His word as recorded then we discount everything about him. If he wasn't God and said he was then he was crazy or a liar and not the moral guide he professed to be. If we ignore the virgin birth as recorded in the bible then we discount the miracle of his birth and the fulfillment of the prophecies. We are saying that the bible is wrong. For me, if he said he was God than I take him at his word and those who recorded what he said and did. If the Bible says he was born of a virgin died, and ascended to heaven thtn I will accept as true. I have a difficult time acepting some of the things said about Him and discounting the others.
First let me point out that I am not trying to change anyone's mind about anything. I believe though that questioning is a good thing - it allows us to observe our own actions and determine their value and justification. I do believe in something greater than myself exists to guide me...however...that is off point.
As recorded in the Bible he said he was God
Jesus never said he was God - he said he was the son of God. As recorded by who? Jesus did not write anything himself so we have no direct message from him. We don't know if any part of the bible is correct because there is argument to this day as to when and how and by whom the Gospels were written. Paul never met Jesus, he said he had a vision - yet his work is a mainstay of the bible. Some historians have even called him a Sadducee. Research indicates that Paul's writings predate the Gospels. Pauls writings make no mention about the famous prophecy about the destruction of Jeruselum and the end times. He mentions attitude men will have in his letter to Timothy but if the actual phrophecy was of utmost importance, then why was it not mentioned? Could if be possible that he was not inspired to know this and could it be possible that the Gospels, written after the destruction, simply were proof of recognizing such a major event and tabling it as fulfillment of a phrophecy Jesus made but that hadn't even been written.
I am not a scholar. I have my own beliefs. I don't set out to undermine anyone's faith. I just think the bible appears to have been put together by 3rd century corrupt bishops, popes and political leaders and if I follow all those writings without examination, then that would mean that I would have to believe that God chose to use unrighteous people to get his message across. I would then ask why God couldn't use righteous people as teachers instead?
I can't lie down and just accept that I should follow a book that doesn't make sense to me. That would be like telling me I have to follow the Witness translation without questioning, or the Quoran, or Scientology or the Book of Mormon. Perhaps one of the greatest gifts we have been given in this life, is the gift of thought. sammieswife.
Hi, sammieswife, In a way, I kinda think as you do. In that Jesus is the Son of God and not God.
Two books in the Bible that are totally weird to me are JOB and Revelation. I can't explain why God would let Satan goat him into hurting Job. Revelation is wacked out like someone on an LSD trip. Matthew, Luke and Acts are more believable. Still, who am I...not a scholar for sure!
For me personally, I don't need the Bible to tell me there is someone greater than Humans out there who has given us life. AND he is not physical but Spiritual in Nature. I just hope he will reveal himself cause it's not fair to confuse us poor measly humans like that!