I thought I'd open a discussion on the mental health condition of most practicing JWS. and get viewpoints on what kinds of mental health effects the WTS.
may have for most of the people that are practicing witnesses. The idea of this topic was actually derived from a brief conversation from another poster
who stated that a real sister of hers tried to commit suicide and this girl was a JWS, fortunately she's ok now but her mental health may not be very good.
As for myself I can remember a least 3 young JWS. that did in fact do this to themselves and all unfortunately died as a result.
So this bacons the questions does the WTS. in it's teachings cause mental instability in its followers. For example the professed notion that just about everything in the world
is either worldly, demonic, or controlled by Satan must only lead to fear, anxiety and depression for some people. It is said that most institutions like schools universities, governments
or any active social community event are all godless and evil and should be avoided and of course any people that are not connected with the JWS. as well. Also the predominant pushing
of Armageddon and the total destruction of just about everything on this planet including the majority of its human inhabitants.
This has to cause a certain degree of emotional and mental instability which presents its self on a individual basis among the body of followers, would it not ?
I must be up front in making this observation as a person that still has some of my own family that is a part of this religion and I do see a degree of depression within them.
This might be a cause of concern and of importance to other folks as well, particularly because were aware of the crooked and invalid behaviour of the WTS in its selling and
marketing tactics.